create a bookmark on the clients-computer

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create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby stefanoni » Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:19 pm

I send to my client per email link like this: ... 6a0q6bbis6

the client
- starts the servoy-webclient the first time from email
- receives the firstform and the changed link in the browser, like this:*60mllEILw

the client
- safes this as a Bookmark
- nextime he startes the webclient from this bookmark he receives a expired-message

Is this possible to create a bookmark on the clients-computer from a servoy-webclient ?
Is this possible to ask servoy to not change the link in the browser ?

thanks for any suggestion
Alessandro Stefanoni ---- ---- ----
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Re: create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby mboegem » Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:45 am

you could create a button in your solution which will generate a bookmark.

the code for this is explained here: ... javascript

You only need to reconstruct the url based on the server-address and the arguments you passed in at startup.
Marc Boegem
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Re: create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby stefanoni » Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:43 pm

Thank you mboegem !

With Javascript I'm not able to create a bookmark in the chrome-browser.

That's why I asked the second question before:
Is it possible, to tell servoy, to not change the link in the browser ?
Alessandro Stefanoni ---- ---- ----
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Re: create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby stefanoni » Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:14 pm

I have arround 1000 Users that get migrated from php/mysql to Servoy Webclient.

I'm not able to talle every one how to create manualy a bookmark, go to edit-mode,
then insert the Link.

How can I show a dummy Site, just to let the users create the bookmark ?

Any Ideas ?
Alessandro Stefanoni ---- ---- ----
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Re: create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby stefanoni » Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:55 pm

ok, my workarround:

I redirect all first incoming calls via a apache php mySql system. Bookmarks are possible from
Servoy by redirecting to apache (parameter &showDirl=blabla), set a flag in the DB witch means,
that following php redirect
Code: Select all
            header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?Dirl=" . $_GET['Dirl'] );  // Normaler Link ohne nix

to itself (with no showDirl-Parameter) shows a screen with some instruction and at the same
time a "nice" Link, witch can be bookemarked. Before I reset the flag in the db, what means the
next call leads to an forward to Servoy-Server again.

Open Servoy, with this URL, then press the yellow Star-Button

If somebody knows an easier way I'm happy to hear about.
Thank you
Alessandro Stefanoni ---- ---- ----
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Re: create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby jdbruijn » Thu Dec 18, 2014 12:17 pm

you can also have a look at the server setting: servoy.webclient.nice.urls
When set to true you will get a URL that can be bookmarked.
But I seem to remember that this might cause issues with certain plugins, maybe Servoy can answer on that.
Jos de Bruijn
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Re: create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby stefanoni » Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:29 pm

WOW ! Thanks !
If it's like this, then exactly what I needed.

Servoy Guys ?
Alessandro Stefanoni ---- ---- ----
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Re: create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby jcompagner » Mon Dec 29, 2014 12:11 pm

that should work fine, but 3th party plugins (like webclients utils) need to take that into account when the are really generating/doing certain stuff.
But i think webclient utils is taken this into account
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Re: create a bookmark on the clients-computer

Postby david » Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:45 pm

The iframe approach works great. At its simplest, set the source of an iframe to your webclient deep link. The html page somewhere in your tomcat directory is your bookmarkable link. At advanced level, you can create an entire router (intelligent URLs) so you can bookmark various locations and records within your app.

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