Differences databases

Questions and answers regarding general SQL and backend databases

Differences databases

Postby anoniempje » Fri May 09, 2003 8:12 am

Can someone tell me what the main differences are between:

which one has advantages/dis-advantages/possibilities..etc... with servoy?

Re: Differences databases

Postby bcusick » Fri May 09, 2003 10:14 am

anoniempje wrote:Can someone tell me what the main differences are between:

which one has advantages/dis-advantages/possibilities..etc... with servoy?

Here's the short list - but for more detailed info - you can go to each vendor's site and get the full details of the features they support.


ALL have good to very good performance

ALL (except MySQL) support transactions - and the newer version of MySQL is supposed to support them as well. You DO want a database that supports transactions!

ALL have good 3rd party tools (both free and not free) for loading data, replication etc. The free tool for Firebird - is weaker than the rest.

What type of applications are you looking at building? The beauty of Servoy is that you can START with Firebird (built-in, free, pre-configured) and IF you ever "grow out of it" - you can always just export your solutions, change the repository database to another vendor's SQL database, and re-import your solutions. Done.


Hope this helps,

Bob Cusick
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Postby Jan Aleman » Sat May 10, 2003 6:31 pm

For general use it doesnt matter very much. If you look at "quality" then Firebird and postgresql are better, they have transaction support, foreign keys, constraints for over 5 years, MySql is just getting started on this topic. On the other hand there are more free tools, docs and howtos available for mysql as somehow loads of people are using it.

Mysql also used to be faster than Firebird and Postgresql but now it only is if you run in the 'old' non transactional mode. The Servoy repository will only run on a database that supports transactions to ensure it is virtually impossible to lose your solution ever. Postgresql is a bit harder to get running on Windows (easy on linux/os x/unix) than the others. Firebird has mediocre tools BUT quite a few commercial ones are available.

As Bob said: the good news with Servoy is that you can migrate very fast if you start to dislike the backend you choose for.
Jan Aleman
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