the best way to deploy servoy through internet?

Questions and Answers on installation, deployment, management, locking, tranasactions of Servoy Application Server

the best way to deploy servoy through internet?

Postby jtonyhdz » Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:56 pm

Hi everybody.

I am an old visual foxpro programmer, but now i am studying servoy and i understend very well the developer part. My question is wich is the best way to execute my solution on an online environment? I mean through the internet. May i get a cloud service? Connect through ssh, vpn, a web server? currently i have a linux server with servor server and postgresql. But i have no idea how to get it work through internet.

I apreciate your advice.

Best regards

Jose Hernandez
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Re: the best way to deploy servoy through internet?

Postby jdbruijn » Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:40 am

You can access the admin page of the server using the following link:
To run the solution you can use one of the following links:
Smart client: ... ution.jnlp
Web client: ... urSolution or ... urSolution.

Where is the external name for your server. Servoy default installs using port 8080, so you might have to open that port in you firewall or change it to port 80.
Jos de Bruijn
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Re: the best way to deploy servoy through internet?

Postby mboegem » Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:29 am

jdbruijn wrote:Where is the external name for your server. Servoy default installs using port 8080, so you might have to open that port in you firewall or change it to port 80.

In case of using smart-client don't forget to open up the RMI port.
By default this is port 1099.

For web-client use this isn't necessary and you can stick to port 8080 (or to whatever you decided to change it)
Marc Boegem
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