Curious to know, if it is possible to use Solution Model, with Servoy mobile to generate the UI ?
var frm = solutionModel.getForm(controller.getName());
if (frm) {
frm.newButton('New Button',12,245,20,20, null);
// controller.recreateUI();
var f = solutionModel.getForm('companies');
var met = f.getMethod('myMethod');
met.code = "function myMethod() { /* do something */ }";
f.newButton("added with SM",0,5000,0,0,met);
forms.companies.showMyself(); // that does a controller.show()
pradiptab wrote:Currently with the latest Servoy version (Version: 7.2.0 rc - build 2012), the solution model stuffs working correctly.
- Even if the form is not displayed, I can change the form using SM.
- If the form is displayed and I am changing the form using SM, still it don't trigger any stall form found exception. But strangely, it redirects to the previous displayed form.
Now, do we really need a recreateUI method, when there is no stall form exception thrown?
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