Server Performance

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Server Performance

Postby gavin » Tue May 12, 2015 9:49 am

Hi everyone,

We have an application developed in Java and running off a Servoy application server in our office.
The machine specs are as follows:
i7 Processor | 8GB Ram | 500GB primary drive | Windows Server 2012 R2 OS

We're having an endless issue when more that 10 users connect to the server, the application becomes slow and eventually unresponsive. All workstations use smart client and I was only told about the web client yesterday as "an alternative" to connect.
Now the issue is that this comes and goes. I can restart the application server service in the morning and it will run smoothly for the morning.
I noticed the following as well and maybe you can agree:
Once a workstation connects to the server it seems to allocate 200 to 400mb to the user logged on.

The developers are putting blame on our machine and they are arguing that the application works best in a cloud environment.

I am just looking for some answers and what I can look at to improve the performance of the application.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks again
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Re: Server Performance

Postby mboegem » Tue May 12, 2015 10:13 am

Hi Gavin,

Can you please post details about the configuration of the Servoy application server? (memory settings etc.)
Apart from that: I assume smart clients are running on separate machines (so this server is not in use as terminal server?)

As a comment on webclient:
Yes this is an alternative, however this will move the execution an memory usage of the application to the server.
In case the server configuration is to blame on the issues you experience, usage of webclient will make it worse.
Marc Boegem
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Re: Server Performance

Postby gavin » Tue May 12, 2015 11:37 am

Hi mboegem,
Thanks for the reply.

As I am new to Servoy Application Server, what configuration details would you want me to paste?
I'll copy and paste the following information:

JVM Information HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
java.version=1.7.0_79 mode
java.vm.vendor=Oracle Corporation

Operating System Information Server 2012 R2

System Information
Heap Space Memory: allocated=406016K, used=347709K, max=5592576K
Non-Heap Space Memory: allocated=101504K, used=91142K, max=311296K
Dump the current stack/systeminfo

I know they changed the Memory from using 512 to allocate 6GB.
Hope that helps.
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