Servoy 8.1

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Servoy 8.1

Postby jcompagner » Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:09 am

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 8.1 (releasenumber 3027)

This version is available through the download at the Servoy website
and through the update site url:

This release is called 8.1 because we made quite a few changes but for the most part only in the developer
the clients changes are minimal compared to what a 8.0.4 release would have. So 8.1 will be the direct successor of 8.0.3
and the 8.0.x will not have another release.

Fixes and improvements in this release:

FormComponents: In the editor you can make Form Components forms, these forms don't have there own logic, but the template and the designer properties are used by components that reference them, we have 2 components called FormComponent that act as a tabless panel for absolute layout and the bootstrap. In the wiki it is explained more more
Besides having no logic and no state (so the form under forms.xxxx doesn't exists) these forms can be reused so you can have many of them on the same main form showing at the same time.

Grouping/minifying: By default now (you can turn this off through a setting on the admin page) a WAR will be deployed by using the minified versions of component/services js files if found (.min.js besides the normal one). All if not found then the export dialog has a minified option that you can check where some basic minification is done on those js files. After that all the js and css files are grouped together under a few urls also all the templates of the components that are exported are grouped in 1 js file to put them right away in the angular $templateCache.
Because of this the download size is a lot smaller and the request to the server to get all the resources is reduces a lot.
Those grouping urls that are generated are made unquie for that specific WAR deploy and because of that we can set the caching control headers of http to "public,max age=1Y". So the additional bonus is that after the first download of those resources, those resources are cached and don't need to be redownloaded again until a new WAR is deployed.

Fallback valuelist: the legacy components (combobox and typeahead) do now have support for this so that when you have real/display values in the valuelist and the selected real value is not in the current normal valuelist, the display value is now looked up on the fallback valuelist.
This fixes also the typeahead itself that only displays 100 items by default of the complete valuelist and if the real/display combination is not in the first set, the same lookup is done.

Servoy Extra Componets moved to the WebPackageManager, so that can now also be updated indepedently of a servoy releaes (just like the bootstrap components). Also this package now has a readonly table component that can also be used in absolute mode that is much faster then using a tableview or portal.

Manifest.json/Head Index contributions: Especially for NGClient on the mobile, a solution can now include a manifest.json (and a special file called head-index-contributions.html) in the media folder. The context menu of the media node let you create some sample files. See issue SVY-10067 or Install to Homescreen and iOS for more info. The head index contributions can be used also for other meta tags or links that you want to include.
See also the wiki

For NGClient branding of the favicon we use now the preferred way: so we added 2 links to our ngclient index pages "favicon75x75" (32x32 image) "favicon200x200.png" (192x192 image). These are in the application_server\server\webapps\ROOT dir, you can overwrite them with the one you want.

Fixes and improvements in the 8.1rc1 release:

Improved HTML5 editor, this does mean that data will not be shown anymore (for now) but it should be way better to work with.
Also we improved the selection of the form editor, now the preferences have multiply choices "classic","modern" and "automatic"
With classic the 7.4 form editor will be opened by default, with modern the new HTML5 editor.
If you select "automatic" then it depends on the solution type or if the form is a responsive form what editor we will open, so we try to guess what is best.
All this can be overwritten by using the "switch" editor symbol, if you use that then you force for that form the editor to be the HTML5 or the classic editor and it will be opened like that the next time

InMemory datasources: In the developer you can design/specify the in memory datasources upfront that you are creating at run time.
This way you can already build forms, relations and valuelist on top of them without having to do that through the solution model at run time.
This is for the most part a developer only thing, at run time the in mem datasources that you create are done at the same way, we only use and warn the definition now at run time so that it is easier to create (you don't need to specify the types in dataset.createDataSource() because we already know them)

Component/Services and layouts of NGClient are now install-able through the WebPackageManager (context menu on a solution or webpackages node in the solex)
our own bootstrapcomponents and 12grid packages are now moved to that, they will now have there own release cycle, if you use currently the 12grid and/or bootstrapcomponents in your solution, you need to add the packages to your solution. This is also the other change in this area, we deprecated the services/components under the resources, now they are inside a solution so it is easier "ship-able" or "shareable".
If the community do want to add components/services or layouts to the index of the package manager, please contact us with the package your want to share and we will evaluate it and add it to the index.
See wiki for more info

OnDataChange on form level (besides the onfocus form stuff), so you can have 1 datachange validator function that gets called for any datachange on any of the form fields

Readonly tableviews (for performance in ngclient) now are editable but just the cell you click on. So by default a cell is just a <div> with the data but if you click/focus the cell it will become the textfield that you defined in the designer.

issues fixed after rc1:

[enh] SVY-6744 Add solutionModel.getObjectByUUID(UUID)
[fix] SVY-10008 dataset with column named 'row' cannot be turned into a datasource
[fix] SVY-10000 When creating a calculation on an in-memory datasource I get a nullPointer execption

[fix] SVY-9769 Date time with input mask is rendering incorrect after faulty entry

[fix] SVY-10193 Internal error page is shown when selecting a record in a web tableview

[enh] SVY-10192 NGClient: addStyleClass method has no effect on calendar fields
[enh] SVY-10067 create a filter/servlet that creates the manifest.json
[enh] SVY-10066 group all the component templates in 1 file at war export
[enh] SVY-10063 WarExport should generated grouping and minmized files already on export
[enh] SVY-10064 Introduce a Caching headers filter that sets caching control headers on certain files
[enh] SVY-10187 As a developer, it would be useful to have an api or a property on JSForm that specify if a form is responsive or not.
[enh] SVY-10160 add as many minified versions as possible for all our libs
[fix] SVY-10188 It is not working to show() a Popup (from plugins.window.Popup) linked to a custom component (bootstrapcomponents-button).
[fix] SVY-10184 In a responsive form, the Image Media component is not displaying the image set by the dataprovider.
[fix] SVY-10183 The bootstrap table component does not respect the servoy global data/time format setting
[fix] SVY-10094 HTML editor does not work in NG client
[fix] SVY-10080 NG Client typeahead: display value not resolved when not loaded in valuelist
[fix] SVY-10077 After browser refresh the CSS appears to be gone for a moment
[fix] SVY-10075 Valuelists can not be linked to webcomponents.
[fix] SVY-10073 Cannot open twice the same window.
[fix] SVY-10062 List view can't get all records
[fix] SVY-10025 Relation doesn't work properly?
[fix] SVY-10267 timestamp of an event object can be in micro seconds instead of ms.. (fix very old FF bug)
[fix] SVY-10231 controller.focusFirstField() does not work with NG-Client

[enh] SVY-8314 When switching solutions Servoy closed all open editors, not just the ones that belong to Servoy
[fix] SVY-10059 Running a method through 'right-click on outline' > 'Debug Method' executes old code first time after edit
[fix] SVY-10239 Service names not handled properly

known issues:

* recreate of the same in memory table, is not working (so calling dataset.createDataSource(name) with the same name twice to recreate it)
* FormComponents don't support changing components that have custom types in them (like a table with columns or tabpanel with tabs). So those can only be used as designed in the form components form.
* Modules of modules of the soluton don't show up in the events tab of the table editor
* A package (like servoy-extra and then the DBTreeView) that has a server side js can't be used as a zipped package (downloaded from WebPackageManager), Work around is to extract it and use it as a package project.

Previous release notes of 8.1rc1: this page
Previous release notes of 8: this page
Previous release notes of 7: this page
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby rafig » Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:54 am

Well done Servoy team!
It's looking really great so far on the Webinar series (& I'm sure the final one today will be just as great).
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby grahamg » Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:19 pm

Great to see the continued progress.

Johan - are there any advantages/disadvantages in moving up to 8.1 when developing and running 'steam-powered' solutions that are currently on 7.4.x.

Wondering if there are specific improvements in 8.1 Developer and Application_Server that would be beneficial for legacy non-NG systems?

All the best
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby alk » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:22 pm


updateing form 8.1.0 rc1 I get the following message:

Any Idea?

Thanks and greetings from Berlin

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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby rafig » Fri Sep 16, 2016 3:54 pm

Just fired it up and on the new 'Start Page' I'm not sure that the grammar or wording is quite right where you say
Anything you would need for making a great Business Application

it almost seems like a question...
Possibly could be
Everything you need for making a great Business Application

Just a thought...

EDIT: And in 'Servoy Sample Solutions' section, lower right, it should say


EDIT2: And wouldn't it be better to have the Sample Solution that gets created/imported when you click button on Start page be a super cool NG client one, not the usual 'CRM' one?
And when I did import the sample NG basic solution, the icons in solution navigation don't appear (they are either missing in media folder, or not named correctly).
[it is looking for factory_24.gif,contacts_24.gif,orders_24.gif,products_24.gif,admin_24.gif]
--Just realised that this is because the default PG db's are created with sample data that is from the old crm, but just doing what a new user would probably do...
Last edited by rafig on Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby jcompagner » Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:23 pm

we are working on a better example, i think for the next release we wil have that in.

Problem is a bit with a pure NGClient example that it really only works for NGClients...
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby jcompagner » Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:25 pm

alk wrote:Hallo,

updateing form 8.1.0 rc1 I get the following message:

Any Idea?

Thanks and greetings from Berlin


i am not seeing the actual error, but it could be caching or something like that..
If a restart or a delete (and restart first) and then add the update site url back maybe would fix it.

Else a full install is the only thing that can be done
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby rafig » Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:26 pm

Thanks Johan...
I just updated my post to say that you have old data in the supplied PG files that is good for the old CRM, but makes new NG solution not work correctly...

> Problem is a bit with a pure NGClient example that it really only works for NGClients...

Yes, but the new target audience might want to see a great pure NGClient example (I know I do ;-) )
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby gaspirtakis » Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:13 pm

rafig wrote:Just fired it up and on the new 'Start Page' I'm not sure that the grammar or wording is quite right where you say
Anything you would need for making a great Business Application

it almost seems like a question...
Possibly could be
Everything you need for making a great Business Application

Just a thought...



Hi Rafig, I made the changes you mentioned.
Thanks for the inputs!
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby rafig » Fri Sep 16, 2016 5:43 pm

A pleasure George.
Thanks for that.
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby steve1376656734 » Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:11 pm

Having watched the webinars and now had a chance to play a bit with 8.1 it looks like the product is developing very nicely and bodes well for the future.

My only concern at this point is the lack of clarity on the future of the frameworks (BAP) as those of us who have solutions that use this are currently unable to use the NG client unless we make a substantial investment in modifying the framework code to make it compatible. Are Servoy able to share a roadmap for the framework or give any assurances that it has sufficient resources being assigned to it to make it a viable method of product development and support going forward, or should we be looking to develop our own authentication and navigation modules for our solution (which for us is no small task as we have very limited resources)?



OK having spent a few frustrating hours looking at the framework in V8.1 I can now see that there is pretty good support for it in version 8.1 with just a little effort. The initial post was written having loaded a fresh installation of V8.1 and adding the solution based on the frameworks. The problem came from the new method of adding the web packages to solutions and the fact that the current release of the framework is not compatible with that. Once I had worked out how to get the necessary components into the sub-modules I can get a framework solution to run quite reasonably and the only issues I can see currently are relating to the styling changes that are required.

That said I would still appreciate it if Servoy could provide clarity on the future of the frameworks and a roadmap in order to give some comfort regarding the future.

(no longer feeling like he has had a bucket of cold water poured on his enthusiasm!)
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby jcompagner » Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:44 am

for some windows users (like me) that are having problems showing the new html editor the way it should be:

If you see disabled toolbars that are just gray boxes (instead of grayed out images). Or if you don't see the orange labels on a tabpanel (that represents a tab) then you can solve this by changing the servoy.ini file:

it should have a -vm section:


(just add it before the -vmargs)

It should point to a correct javaw.exe executable.
Then the browser component in eclipse is initialized correctly

there is a bug created at eclipse:
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby mboegem » Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:57 pm

jcompagner wrote:for some windows users (like me) that are having problems showing the new html editor the way it should be:

This is another workaround: ;-)
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby ROCLASI » Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:58 pm

mboegem wrote:
jcompagner wrote:for some windows users (like me) that are having problems showing the new html editor the way it should be:

This is another workaround: ;-)

Yes...much better solution if you ask me. ;)
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Re: Servoy 8.1

Postby jcompagner » Mon Sep 26, 2016 9:02 pm

Not sure if that would have fixed it after I installed the right OS on it
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