Lookup not working in NG Client

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Lookup not working in NG Client

Postby rafig » Fri Mar 31, 2017 4:06 pm

I am creating my first NG only solution, so it might be me doing something wrong, but I am having a problem with lookups.
I have placed a bootstrap tab panel on a form and have a tab with related data from a child table displayed in a list view. The list view form is a normal form (i.e. not 'responsive')
On that form I have a bunch of fields, but the first one is a combobox to display a value list from a related table. It is returning the (UU)ID and displaying a couple of values.
Some of the fields in the form are set to lookup values from that related table based on the value list item chosen.
This is not working.
When I add an 'onDataChange' method to it to display in console the ID & related items, they display correctly.
If I also add in that method 'controller.relookup();' it correctly loads the other fields with their lookup values.
I tried with both the normal Servoy combobox from the palette on the left, as well as the bootstrap one, neither work.
[As an aside, the bootstrap combobox is useable even when the controller is set to 'readonly', unlike the Servoy one which becomes readonly]
[Also, the name property of the bootstrap combobox is not available for choosing in the 'labelFor' property if I am trying to link a label to it...]

Please advise.
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Re: Lookup not working in NG Client

Postby Andrei Costescu » Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:38 pm

I would say - for the things that used to work in web-client and smart-client and don't work in NG as described above: create cases with small sample solutions.
So if you can do what you describe above using default components on web/smart and not on ng it sounds like a bug.

You can create case(s) for bootstrap-components/labelFor in properties view/controller readonly with no effect/anything else as well.
Andrei Costescu
Andrei Costescu
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Re: Lookup not working in NG Client

Postby rafig » Fri Mar 31, 2017 5:43 pm

ok, I will try & create a small sample & raise a case.
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Re: Lookup not working in NG Client

Postby rafig » Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:55 pm

Andrei Costescu wrote:create cases with small sample solutions

I have now created 3 cases, all using the same sample solution (& a normal one showing lookup working) for each issue

Samples use the 'example' database.

Hope these are all enough.

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Re: Lookup not working in NG Client

Postby Andrei Costescu » Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:58 am

Great. Thank you! :)
Andrei Costescu
Andrei Costescu
Posts: 1018
Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:14 pm

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