Enable HTTPS on Application Server

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Enable HTTPS on Application Server

Postby ayadav1 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:54 am


I am trying to enable HTTPS for my web site but could not get it done.
I had tried implementation for below source.

https://wiki.servoy.com/display/DOCS/Ne ... d+Settings

I have a scenario and that is I have 2 server.

Home screen is coming from IIS server and then internal pages which comes from Servoy is handling by Tomcat server.
I have enabled the HTTPS for IIS somehow but at Tomcat end it's not working. It's giving an error "Request cannot be completed. It's taking too long time.".

If anyone has setup SSL and redirected web site to HTTPS with this scenario then please help me out to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance!

Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2016 2:40 pm

Re: Enable HTTPS on Application Server

Postby fuchstaenzer » Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:03 am


let me first confess that I'm not the greatest webserver or HTTPS guru on earth... ;-)

Recently I was able to get a similar scenario up and running after struggeling with it for some time.

I wanted to set up two java based applications which use their own web servers (youtrack and gitblit) behind an IIS (8.5) while using Let's encrypt SSL certificates on the IIS.
Configuring the IIS as a "reverse proxy" was not that straight forward as I'd expected and most google hits just didn't work

what finally worked (for me) was
- following this: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack ... ation.html
- but ommitting the part "Application Request Routing" - 'm just using the URL rewrite module
- adding the following server variables to the URL rewrite module of the website

My IIS now accepts incoming HTTPS requests and forwards them as plain HTTP to the java webservers.

hope this helps
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Joined: Wed Jan 29, 2014 9:12 pm

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