Best replacement for <a href="javascript...." in HTML area?

Questions and answers for designing and implementing forms in Servoy

Best replacement for <a href="javascript...." in HTML area?

Postby drookwood » Wed Jul 04, 2018 11:29 am

So I'm finally moving from Servoy 5 to 8!!

In 5 I have been using...
Code: Select all
<html><a href="javascript:globals.myMethod()">ClickMe</a></html> trigger methods from within HTML areas but these no longer seem to work. What is the best replacement for this code in 8?
David Rookwood

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Re: Best replacement for <a href="javascript...." in HTML ar

Postby ROCLASI » Wed Jul 04, 2018 12:17 pm

Hi David,

By default Servoy doesn't trust HTML like that anymore. You can make it trust that specific element by adding the following code to your onLoad event:

Code: Select all
elements.NameOfElement.putClientProperty(APP_UI_PROPERTY.TRUST_DATA_AS_HTML, true);

Hope this helps.
Robert Ivens
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Re: Best replacement for <a href="javascript...." in HTML ar

Postby drookwood » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:18 pm

Hi Robert,

That's perfect - seems to work fine! Many thanks

David Rookwood

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Re: Best replacement for <a href="javascript...." in HTML ar

Postby rgansevles » Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:03 pm

When this TRUST_DATA_AS_HTML setting is used, make sure that all data in the html is static (like in your example) or from a source that cannot be modified by users, otherwise you would be vulnerable for a Cross-site scriping (XSS) attack.
Rob Gansevles
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Re: Best replacement for <a href="javascript...." in HTML ar

Postby drookwood » Fri Jul 20, 2018 3:52 pm

Appreciate the advice Rob - thanks
David Rookwood

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