Servoy 8.3.2 Release Candidate

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 8.3.2 Release Candidate

Postby jcompagner » Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:36 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 8.3.2 release candidate (release number 3206)

This version is available through the jar or exe
The update site is: ... candidate/

issues fixed see our wiki: 8.3.2 RC release notes

This release is done because of the Servoy Gripd (aggrid), will release new package shortly. So the next release of Servoy Grid will only work on 832

Also this release does have an updated bootsstrap.jar for launching the WebClient, besides that it now has support for native resources in jnlp it also support Standalone (without webstart) starting: Bootstrapper

Release notes about the previous 8.3.1 RC release and 8.3.1 release

packages released:

Bootstrap 1.4.2
Servoy Extra 1.6.2
Servoy NG Grid 2.0.0-rc2
Johan Compagner
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Re: Servoy 8.3.2 Release Candidate

Postby Ruben79 » Mon Aug 20, 2018 9:03 am

Regarding the new bootstrap.jar, I see on the wiki it does not support vm args. But will the client respect the settings like servoy.maxClientHeap and servoy.vmClientArgs settings in the application server?
Ruben de Jong
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Re: Servoy 8.3.2 Release Candidate

Postby jcompagner » Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:01 am

no it will not.

All those settings that the admin page are already not working for the bootstrapper in jnlp mode (you really need to add/configure that yourself in the bootstrap.jnlp)

But with the standalone installer this is not used at all. java is just started by the OS with the short cut java -jar bootstrap.jar

We don't control that at all.
So the only way to really be able to do that, if i somehow relaunch itself with the right vm settings
We can always look if we really need that in the future.

But the default memory settings are quite ok i think in default java for example if i run this on my system:

java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr HeapSize

i get a 4GB heap as max as default.
Johan Compagner
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