Outbox and Sent Messages

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Outbox and Sent Messages

Postby marco.rossi » Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:00 am

how works the "Private Message" section?
I'm asking because sometime happens that I sent a message and it remains for a lot of days within the "Outbox" instead of being sent.

Within the "Outbox" folder I even have a message of "Aug 07, 2018"...
Now I have a second message waiting to be sent since 5 days.

Best regards
Marco Rossi
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Re: Outbox and Sent Messages

Postby Andrei Costescu » Mon Sep 23, 2019 11:11 am

We tested this and it looks like "Outbox" really means "not yet read by recipient" in this forum impl.
So when the one you wrote the message to will read it (only) then it moves from "Outbox" to "Sent".

If you have it in Outbox it will automatically be in the other person's Inbox. (as it's basically the same server, it doesn't have to "really send" the message to some other server)
Andrei Costescu
Andrei Costescu
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Re: Outbox and Sent Messages

Postby marco.rossi » Mon Sep 23, 2019 12:13 pm

Thank you Andrei for your help in testing this casistics
Marco Rossi
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