NGDesktopFile Plugins problem

Forum to discuss the new web client version of Servoy.

NGDesktopFile Plugins problem

Postby dev-ws-011 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:13 pm

Hi All,

I am working with NG Desktop client, I have used plugins.ngdesktopfile.writeFile() method to create file at client side but it is also creating file at server. Also, if I use plugins.ngdesktopfile.openFile() method, it does not open file at client side instead open the file at server side.

Here is my code sample, consider theFilePath is the path of file & byteArray is byte array to be written to file:
Code: Select all

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks and Best Regards
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Re: NGDesktopFile Plugins problem

Postby jcompagner » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:22 pm

This sounds really impossible
so you are saying that you have a server "http://myserver/"
that you have somewhere where the servoy app server runs (war is deployed)

then on a client machine you have the ngdesktop installed that has that url as there server and when pressing a button you do:


where the file path is something valid at the client side and that is then really stored at the server and really it opens (how does it do that what happens here?) it also on the server?

are you sure you also don't have older stuff running there like plugins.file.File.writeFile and/or application.executeProgram() ?
Johan Compagner
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Re: NGDesktopFile Plugins problem

Postby mvid » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:31 pm

This is highly unusual situation, I need to establish exactly your testing configuration. Can you provide some details, please?
Where is your server installed (where you've deployed the war file)? On your local machine or remote? Where is running your ngdesktop client (local, remote) and how you're using it?

Marian Vid
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