Our Tomcat runs on an internal server. Its IP-Adress is not available from outside. What are possibilities to call VelocityReport from an NG client from outside servers environment to generate a chart? We notice, that within the NG clients Webpage an image is embedded like
- Code: Select all
<img src="http://10.x.x.x:8080/eastwood/chart?...;ewr=1" border="0" class="chart" width="860" height="305">
While reading the corresponding Wiki, I feel like others asked this question before. But, I do not understand the solution for this.What we thought so far:
- Implementing a web service (running on server) to retrieve the image (from eastwood). But the returned chart is of course
not the image (byte array) itself, but the image tag again with the same resource. So same result.
- Using Google instead of eastwood. But no experience so far.
- getByteMedia seems to be implemented for this purpose. But how is it used?
Any help will be appreciated a lot. Thanks and regards