I updated the packages, and updated Servoy itself. I am now on version;
- Code: Select all
Version: 2022.3.1.3743
I went into the settings and activated;
- Code: Select all
* Start NG Client should launch Titanium NGClient
* Open forms with the Titanium NGClient Form Designer
However, all of my forms now show up like this;
Disabling the Titanium Form designer has me see the forms in developer. However, launching in the Titanium NG Client causes me unable to launch my application;
So, clearly something is going wrong with the forms. I'm not sure why.
I did notice when updating that I was getting this error message too;
I'm not sure what this means either. Maybe I'm not fully updated? I'm not sure.
Any idea of what to do here? Am I missing something for the Titanium update process? Should I update to the current Release Candidate?