Hi Marc
Thanks a lot for your example. This situation works in my solution as well. But my case which did not work is like this:
- Code: Select all
* @type {Number}
* @properties={typeid:35,uuid:"26D2D226-2FEB-4B3E-A4F1-01B8B900F684",variableType:8}
var numberOfLessons = null;
var queryNumberOfLessons = "\
numberOfLessons = databaseManager.getDataSetByQuery(scopes.coreConfiguration.defaultDataSourceServerName, queryNumberOfLessons, null, -1).getValue(1, 1);
where numberOfLessons is the form variable used in the data tag.
Now I found that adding the code line
after the numberOflessons SOLVED the problem, i. e. displays the number of lessons in the data tag.
By the way, this is code in the fetchEvents() function of full calendar.
Thanks again for your help!