Converting a Visual FoxPro photo management application

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Converting a Visual FoxPro photo management application

Postby martin2 » Thu Oct 13, 2022 10:53 pm

I am considering converting a Visual FoxPro application that I wrote that manages a collection of photographs in JPG format to Servoy. I have both the full-size image, and thumbnails of the images stored on a hard drive on the machine where the application will run. I need to be able to display a set of thumbnails on the screen based on search criteria. Right now, I display 60 at a time, and the user can page through them, go to a specific page, click on the thumbnail to view full size, or right click to see the metadata, etc. I also need to be able to rotate the images, both fine rotation, and 90/180 degrees. I also maintain metadata about all of the images which is entered by the user. The metadata is just standard editing screens, so that would be easy in Servoy.

Is this something that Servoy could handle? If so, can anyone point me in a direction on how to accomplish the image portion of the app?

Thanks in advance for any help.

-- Martin
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:30 pm

Re: Converting a Visual FoxPro photo management application

Postby omar » Fri Oct 14, 2022 10:39 am

Hi Martin,

This is for sure something Servoy can handle and fast too. However, if you take a look at what Google Photo's can do these days (examples below), it may not even be necessary to develop an application for it. Searching should be doable as well, especially if you add search tags. In place editing, sharing, cropping, not a problem. And if Google doesn't cut it I am pretty sure there are quite a few solutions that will do nicely out of the box. But maybe you have a good reason to want full control or need more advanced searching. Then you could consider integrating something like Google Photo's inside your solution. However, if you just want to build the application as is in Servoy that shouldn't be to hard either. I have built software for an assembly line where they can put together photo based instructions while using precise scales to detect any errors in the assembly steps where the photo's are stored in a PostgreSQL database. This was done with the standard Servoy controls and components.

example1.png (717.31 KiB) Viewed 1619 times

example2.png (790.79 KiB) Viewed 1619 times
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Omar van Galen
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