testing Titanium Servoy version 2024.3.3 -releaseNumber 3946 (builddate: 2024-07-26 09:16), we find a strange issue with the modal dialog.
In a typically order -> order detail when you throw a new order detail like:
- Code: Select all
jswin = application.createWindow(frmDest,JSWindow.MODAL_DIALOG);
if (jswin){
_jsform = solutionModel.getForm(frmDest);
jswin.title = _jsform.titleText;
jswin.resizable = true;
If you use the keyTab to move in the modal form in some textbox it jump to the background form, even you can write in it, if it jump to a textbox field at the background.
This only happens if it is on a new order detail, and not if you are on an edit a previous one.
There is a screenshot of that: