Openbase driver

Questions and answers regarding general SQL and backend databases

Postby raymanj » Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:18 am

I finally got Servoy to connect to OpenBase. What I had to do was put for localhost and no port afterwords. I also got Aqua Data Studio to connect the same way.

Once I corrected this in Servoy the DB icon in the DBServer List returned to the normal dark icon color, not light version.

No problems with Aqua Studio, but still some problems with Servoy.

Once I place the fields on the form and veiw it in browse mode I get an error:

"Cannot work without primaryKey on table 'tablename' "

Now I checked the database in OpenBase for primary keys and they all have them. They were auto set to "_rowid".

I also checked the tables in DataProvider of Servoy, they did not list any of the primary key columns, _rowid. A matter of fact, no column that begun with an underscore was shown. Does Servoy have a problem showing column names that begin with underscores?

URL: jdbc:openbase://
Driver: com.openbase.jdbc.ObDriver
Location: /Library/Java/Extensions/OpenBaseJDBC.jar
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Postby Jan Aleman » Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:43 am

It appears that the _columns are something openbase specific. If you look with aquadatastudio you will see they can't see the _columns either. If you connect to the (better designed) customers example you will see that servoy can work with it.
Jan Aleman
Jan Aleman
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Postby raymanj » Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:39 am

jaleman wrote:It appears that the _columns are something openbase specific. If you look with aquadatastudio you will see they can't see the _columns either.

I noticed something very strange the last time I created a form to one of the tables with the pk name starting with an underscore. The "_rowid" columns started to appear in the field listings to add to the form. This allowed me to create forms based off this database. The stranger part is that not all tables would do this. Some would show "_rowid" and other would not. The ones that did not display _rowid would produce an error. Stating the missing primary keys.

Another weird part to this is every table in this database has three columns that start with an underscore. Some tables will appear with the _rowid column in Servoy but none of the other columns (beginning with underscores) will show up in Servoy.

jaleman wrote:If you connect to the (better designed) customers example you will see that servoy can work with it.

What is this better designed customers example, you are talking about? Is it the current crm in Servoy? If so should be looking in dataprovider section and inspecting the column names?

Thanks for the replies
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Joined: Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:10 am

Postby Jan Aleman » Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:29 am

I'd recommend contacting Openbase with specific openbase questions. We don't know why all of a sudden _columns would appear or not. Servoy simply uses the JDBC standard to ask for the available columns and what the PK is, no rocket science or trickery involved. The Customers example i was referring to is the one that the latest openbase version installs by default as a demo database.
Jan Aleman
Jan Aleman
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