Where's my code executing?

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Where's my code executing?

Postby agiletortoise » Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:50 pm

Still finding my way around Servoy, and just working in a local devoloper copy -- I'm wondering what runs were on a deployed solution.

How much of my code runs on the client? How much on the server? How to I determine where I am running, and is there a way to specifically run code on the server rather than the client?

Thanks for the info,

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Postby bcusick » Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:57 pm

All your methods are compiled into byte code and is executed 100% on the client. There are certain Servoy plugins that will run code on the server as well as the client (i.e. mail plugin).

When you use headless client - the client is spawned in memory on the server - so, in effect, the code is running on the server.

Hope this helps.
Bob Cusick
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Postby Vince » Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:04 pm

What ?

I thought that servoy's strength over FMP was especially the fact that the client wasn't too much requesting from the server, so no bandwith issue.

If the client is doing 100% of the job, that means bandwith needs are HUGE. If I need to culculate stuff on 1000 records, those records will have to travel from server to the clients.

That's very very bad news.

With FMP 8 server doing find/sorts etc on the server, It migh be worthless to port my Huge FMP solution to servoy. The reason why I looked into seroy was precisely to offer good wpeed to the clients wherever they'd be !
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Postby ROCLASI » Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:38 pm

Hi Vince,

Finds and Sorts are send to the back-end database. So that is all done on the server.
Also Servoy Client uses smart caching so repetitive queries and the like are fetched from your local cache. When data that is cached is changed on the server by other clients Servoy Server will tell your client that it's cache is invalid and a next query will fetch it again from the database.
So yes, Servoy's bandwidth requirements are very low. In general lower than a web application.

Hope this clears things up.
Robert Ivens
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Postby bcusick » Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:51 pm

Vince wrote:If the client is doing 100% of the job, that means bandwith needs are HUGE. If I need to culculate stuff on 1000 records, those records will have to travel from server to the clients.

That's very very bad news.

With FMP 8 server doing find/sorts etc on the server, It migh be worthless to port my Huge FMP solution to servoy. The reason why I looked into seroy was precisely to offer good wpeed to the clients wherever they'd be !

Robert said it very well: the METHODS (scripts) execute on the client - the SERVER does everything else. PLUS, we have a VERY intelligent and efficient data caching mechanism - the client only receives the data it needs - and never 1000 records of data - EVER.

It's easy to try for yourself:

1) Install the default Servoy Developer
2) Punch a hole in your firewall in ports 1099 and 8080
3) Ask a friend in a neighboring city (state, or COUNTRY) to fire up a browser and go to: http://yourIPaddress:8080


Hope this helps.
Bob Cusick
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Postby grahamg » Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:05 pm

Hi Vince

Can confirm info from Robert & Bob - Servoy's bandwith requirements are very low.

Currently sitting in a pub lounge (drinking coffee!) using a 3G datacard with only 384Kbps and have just added a module to customers system on Server back in my office then tested searches etc on system with 40,000+ records and screen updates within 2-4 seconds.

Well worth giving Servoy a good workout - it's a great tool for both Developers & Clients.

Must go - there's a waitress in a slit skirt that wants my attention :twisted:


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Postby Harry Catharell » Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:34 pm

Flash bugger, Graham ! :lol:

Harry Catharell
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Postby Vince » Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:46 am

Great news, thanks for your clarification !
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