Servoy 3.0 Beta 1

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 3.0 Beta 1

Postby Jan Blok » Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:55 pm

We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.0 Beta 1

This version is available through download page on Servoy website (developer section)

-This is pre release SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.
-Perform a clean installation into a new directory, do not install on top of 2.2.x releases (directory)
-Servoy 3.0 will upgrade your repository (after which 2.2 releases will not be able to work with it)
-The new development filters from View menu help you to prevent usage of thing which do not (yet) work in webclient

[enh]-webclient (turns existing forms into webpages)
[enh]-possible to disable all the autosave with databaseManager.setAutoSave(...)
[enh]-data edits are possible to revert/cancelled without transaction databaseManager.rollbackEditedRecords()
[enh]-controller.focusFirstField() //focus the first field from tab seq in the body part
[enh]-better databaseManager.switchServer sample code
[enh]-support for getNameAt/getFormNameAt/getTitleAt on tabpanel
[enh]-printing keeps JavaScript changes
[enh]-application.getApplicationType(...) [enh]- application.getValueListDisplayValue(...)
[enh]-batch processors can now be deleted
[enh]-development filters under view menu
[enh]-server update function

[chg]-dataset returns the columnsnames as provided by database (this might influence your code if depending on lowercase string compare!)

If you are unsure something is a bug, please discuss it on the forum, if something is a bug please file it at: ... oy_support (also file your feature requests here)

----Web Client Info---- see also webclient forum

What is the Servoy Web Client:
Servoy Web Client deploys existing Servoy Forms as pure html and CSS in a standard web-browser. With Servoy Web Client you can develop pure web-browser apps without any html/css coding!
-It is built on top of the headless client API and consumes a single concurrent client license just like the current headless client
-Accessible when servoy 3.0 is running at http://localhost:8080/servoy-webclient

Differences between Servoy smart client and web client:
-There is no "auto save" of data when clicked on the form, you (or your developer) need to place 'save/submit' button which executes the command: controller.saveData()
-Interactive beans/applets can not be used, charting beans are supported(converts the bean UI to image for display in browser)
-Shapes, pen drawings and such will likely not be supported
-RTF cannot be supported
-Listview/multiline portal will not be supported in first version

Current Limitations: (when using the web developement filter, servoy does not show the properties/methods below)
-ANY dialogs, using them stalls the Web Client
-Not all events are supported like onFocusGain
-Rectangles with title border
-Editable HTML area field (non editable HTML fields are working)
-Anchors are not currently working in webpage
-JavaScript manipulation of form elements (visible/read-only is working)

HTML Templates:
-Servoy Web Client generates HTML templates from a Form, which can be edited by a web designer
-Templates are editable via WebDav (like windows web folders) or can be viewed in the browser at http://localhost:8080/servoy-webclient/templates
-The templates are always generated from the latest changes on a form until manually edited and saved
-After deletion of edited files, the templates are generated again.
-Restrictions to the templates, you cannot remove the "servoy:xxxx" parameters in the html tags
-Webdav access is restricted with admin-user rights

Will default only work on Java 5!
To run Servoy 3.0 under Java 1.4.x use: java -"./server/conf/catalina.policy" -jar servoy_developer.jar
Last edited by Jan Blok on Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 3.0 Beta 1

Postby bubba » Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:02 pm

Jan & Team:

Yeah! I've been waiting for this release patiently.

Can you confirm two things for me.

1. Support of SQL Views.

2. Support for active directory in security. This was mentioned at training last year in Phoenix, but I heard this might be handled in the form of an add-on/plugin.

These are two very important issues for us, and part of the reason I've been hanging on the fence for so long.

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Postby pbakker » Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:37 pm

I might not bee seeing something, but where ont he developer website can you donwload this beta?

I seem to end up in a WebClient solution of Servoy ( :D ) where I can only download the latest 2.2 final and 2.2 beta's, or so it seems to me.

What happened to the option that was there for a while to also be able to download older releases and beta's?

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Re: Servoy 3.0 Beta 1

Postby Jan Aleman » Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:51 pm

bubba wrote:Jan & Team:

Yeah! I've been waiting for this release patiently.

Can you confirm two things for me.

1. Support of SQL Views.

2. Support for active directory in security. This was mentioned at training last year in Phoenix, but I heard this might be handled in the form of an add-on/plugin.

These are two very important issues for us, and part of the reason I've been hanging on the fence for so long.


1. Views are supported in 3 (also in the current beta)
2. This is in progress. Most likely this will be avail in 3, either built by Servoy or a third party plugin.
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Postby Jan Aleman » Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:56 pm

pbakker wrote:I might not bee seeing something, but where ont he developer website can you donwload this beta?

I seem to end up in a WebClient solution of Servoy ( :D ) where I can only download the latest 2.2 final and 2.2 beta's, or so it seems to me.

What happened to the option that was there for a while to also be able to download older releases and beta's?


Currently you can download 2.2 and 3.0beta from the download page. We are working on making older builds available as well.
Jan Aleman
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Postby Harjo » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:14 pm

1. Views are supported in 3 (also in the current beta)

Jan, can you shine your light on this one?

Is it possible to make views from inside Servoy?
How can we work with this feature? maybe some examples?

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Postby Jan Aleman » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:20 pm

It just works. Launch 3 and it will show all views. You cannot create views from within Servoy. Currently views are displayed as tables but we will most likely put them under a subheader in final.
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Re: Servoy 3.0 Beta 1

Postby bubba » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:27 pm

jaleman wrote:
bubba wrote:Jan & Team:

Yeah! I've been waiting for this release patiently.

Can you confirm two things for me.

1. Support of SQL Views.

2. Support for active directory in security. This was mentioned at training last year in Phoenix, but I heard this might be handled in the form of an add-on/plugin.

These are two very important issues for us, and part of the reason I've been hanging on the fence for so long.


1. Views are supported in 3 (also in the current beta)
2. This is in progress. Most likely this will be avail in 3, either built by Servoy or a third party plugin.


Do you have any more info. on the Active Directory support? Approximate time frames? Sorry, but this is important, and I'm worried that it seems to be up in the air at the moment. I was anticipating this would be part of V3. I don't mind if it costs a few bucks more, but I would appreciate some assurances that it will be available in the not too distant future. Otherwise, deployment becomes a very big headache for me, as I will be in a mixed FM, Oracle and Servoy environment for quite some time.

Thanks again!
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Postby Jan Aleman » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:58 pm

LDAP will be available either by default or as a (paid for) option in 3, so nothing to worry about.
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Postby Morley » Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:04 pm

In general, how will the performance of Web Client compare with a similar solution in 2.2.4?

As I understand it, Web Client runs a virtual client on the server feeding JSP code to the user's browser. In performance terms this could cut two ways. Loading, searching and sorting functions could be faster, just as they are under Localhost, in contrast to the user's Java applet drawing data from the server. On the other hand, there may be a performance hit in generating JSP pages for the user's browser.

I've not yet seen any version of 3.0, so I'm speculating somewhat blind.
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Postby ROCLASI » Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:30 pm

Hi Morley,

The performance should be in the range of Headless Client, thus pretty fast.
Also the pages are not JSP (as this is server side code) but HTML.

You hint that the richt client is slower in fetching data from the server.
But it's in fact more efficient than any HTML solution since it caches already retrieved data on the client. Not so with any pure HTML solution (which Web-client is)

Hope this helps.
Robert Ivens
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Postby Morley » Mon Mar 20, 2006 9:24 pm

ROCLASI wrote:The performance should be in the range of Headless Client, thus pretty fast.
Also the pages are not JSP (as this is server side code) but HTML.

You hint that the richt client is slower in fetching data from the server.
But it's in fact more efficient than any HTML solution since it caches already retrieved data on the client. Not so with any pure HTML solution (which Web-client is)
The existing Rich Client is more efficient than the forthcoming Web Client? Am I reading you correctly?

In my solution Rich Client via a server is about three to four times slower than Servoy Developer via localhost. Thus, coding which seems fine in Developer can be found unacceptable when served to users.

I have no comparison benchmarks for Headless Client performance.
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Postby ROCLASI » Mon Mar 20, 2006 11:08 pm


Are you comparing speeds between apps running locally and apps running over a network ?
Apps running locally are most likely faster then apps running client-server, period. The network is the bottleneck.

But yes, the rich client is more efficient in traffic than any pure web client. Although with AJAX things can be way more efficient.
Robert Ivens
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Postby hpmxxx » Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:01 am


what does this position mean:

[enh]-printing keeps JavaScript changes

Is it now possible to set the page setup by scripting?

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Postby Rene » Sun Apr 02, 2006 10:30 pm

Hello Hans-Peter

Yes this is now possible.

When you change element properties they are printed as they are currently set on the screen in stead of how they were set in developer.

See also:

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