NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.
This version will be available shortly through auto update for users of versions later than 3.5 b2 (check via help menu -> check for new version)
[new] http tunnel, see notes below
[enh] applications can be deleted from the admin page
[enh] all setWindow...() and getWindow...() JS functions from application are now able to receive an optional parameter - windowName
[chg] upgraded to Sybase 10, except for PowerPC macs because Sybase 10 has no support for those
[chg] AJAX web client: changed location and color of 'loading' bar
[fix] some find actions would make Servoy hang
[fix] fields go empty in webclient with ajax
[fix] servoy not working on mac when using non-standard port numbers
[fix] rendering issues with HTMLTree in web client
[fix] redraw issue with web client in ajax mode
[fix] a value list populated by SQL query and setValueListItems() only displays a single line in the drop down
[fix] 'cannot save solution' popup in multi developer
[fix] newly duplicated forms didn't show in the editor tree
[fix] application.setWindowSize() doesn't work on a FormInDialog anymore in smart client
[fix] page numbering and not printing last page of multi-page print
[fix] focus behaviour change between Servoy 3.1.4 and last release candidate
[fix] WC & DBTreeBean: custom images are not shown
[fix] if you open a method by double clicking attached method onAction Property in property editor, it will not open if that method is inside another solution/module
[fix] DBTreeView node text display
[fix] aggregate sum rounds before summing
[fix] invalid current controller reference after closing modal dialog in smart client
[fix] removing a server doesn't clear its entry in
[fix] pass the previous index to the onTabChange method
[fix] exit from design mode not ok after working with editor
[fix] when performing a multiple search on a form contaning checkboxes
[fix] source charset usage in mail plugin (now working with Japanese character sets)
[fix] foregroundColor changes updated by ajax in web client
Sybase 10
We are now shipping Servoy with Sybase 10 in the full installer. Users of the auto update mechanism will remain with Sybase 9. Note that with Sybase 10, passwords for the database user are now case-sensitive.
Double definition of database connections
It will no longer be possible to define two active database servers with the same login information.
If you have duplicate servers before upgrading to this release, it is best to make one of the duplicates inactive.
If that is not possible, you will need to update the servoy sequences for these servers before allowing clients to connect.
HTTP tunnel
Servoy 3.5 (and higher) has added an HTTP Tunnel option - enabling you to run both Servoy Smart Client and Servoy Web Client on the same port. For example: In instances where most ports are blocked for clients, you can run Servoy on port 80.
The HTTP tunnel requires the clients to run Java 1.5 or higher. With the tunnel turned off, Servoy will still work on clients with Java 1.4.
Note: On Unix/Linux systems, Servoy may need to be run as root in order to use ports below 1024.
These are the steps to follow to enable the Servoy HTTP tunnel:
1. Open <servoy install dir>/server/conf/server.xml
2. Change the connector protocol as described at the top of the file.
(You might want to change the port number as well.)
3. Open <servoy install dir>/server/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/web.xml
4. Uncomment the two blocks labeled "tunnel servlet" (at the top and halfway down)
5. Open <servoy install dir>/ and add the following line:
- Code: Select all
6. *Macintosh ONLY:
Change the line that starts with "java" so that it starts with:
7. [Re]start Servoy.
By using auto update, the server.xml file containing your Servoy port numbers will be replaced.
Known issues
- controller.setTabSequence(...) doesn't work with web client yet
- HTTP tunnel: no buffering proxy support
- HTTP tunnel: no configuration manual ready to use tunnel over SSL
- HTTP tunnel: the tunnel will only work with Servoy Server, not with Servoy Developer.
Previous release