We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 4.1.0 rc 2.
Make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing.
This version is available through the download page on the Servoy website (developer section). This version will also be available through auto update shortly.
[new] case 160199: DBTreeView bean - have the option to make the checkbox non-editable
[new] case 173985: missing getTitleText() on a field element
[new] case 174219: Log Server setup is confusing
[enh] case 174832: request use of db identities for i18n tables
[chg] removed anchoring support for web client for 4.1
[fix] fixed a known problem where i18n content would not be shown in text editor
[fix] better web client deeplinking support
[fix] form parts editor did not allow multiple subsummaries anymore
[fix] the column details were lost in "copy table" action
[fix] case 155780: multiple elements with same name goes wrong
[fix] case 174328: missing menubar in client when launched from 4.1 beta developer on Mac
[fix] case 174402: portal vertical lines interrupted
[fix] case 174416: blank window when opening smart client from developer on Mac
[fix] case 174425: generate new UUID quickfix, deletes form variables
[fix] case 174699: developer: missing PK on tables not reported as error nor are the errors thrown in the debug client
[fix] case 174763: valuelist display value not refreshing after changing return value from form in dialog
[fix] case 174975: properties change to 'unresolved' when attaching new modules
[fix] case 175744: onOpen method called twice
[fix] case 175814: team checkout issue with specific module releases
Changes in previous release
Servoy 4.1.0 rc 1