Servoy 5.0 rc 2

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 5.0 rc 2

Postby Jan Blok » Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:03 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 5.0 release candidate 2

Usage at own risk. Install in separate directory from your production versions.

For updating Servoy eclipse developer, use menu item: Help -> Check for updates

For updating a Servoy application server install, use:
java -jar servoy_updater.jar -beta (in the install directory)

Client changes since rc1:
[enh] 228357 handling alternative on the BEFORE table events, to allow exceptions thrown from them to appear in the getFailedRecords() errors.
[fix] 247363 onDrag is not triggered on labels that are created via the SolutionModel
[fix] 247667 Hitting ENTER in most (or all) WC fields on Safari will result in a reload of the whole page
[fix] 206213 TYPE_AHEAD popup list is displayed outside of the form boundary
[fix] 209867 Relations do NOT take care of records created in memory only (AUTOSAVE == FALSE)
[fix] 247890 setBorder always sets to 1 point
[fix] 234558 drag & drop on whole tableview area
[fix] 245365 Ctrl-tab doesn't insert tabs in text areas
[fix] 245555 element.getWidth() and element.getLocationX() return blueprint values instead of actual values.
[fix] 248491 Problem with recreateUI and readonly mode.

Developer changes:
[enh] changed solution explorer tree structure a little, to be more aware of resources project.
[enh] 246425 make i18n editor a non-modal editor
[enh] 234527 improve SQL query error logging details
[fix] 247142 Security data for table is not editable
[fix] 246366 Issue updating a Servoy server using the command line update
[fix] 246317 Converting workspace solutions fails (modules from modules are not converted to new format)
[fix] 218515 CALENDAR fields handle minutes and seconds incorrectly
[fix] 231574 Saving more than one renamed form using save all fails
[fix] 246851 Can't access Eclipse preferences anymore on MacOSX when debug client has ran
[fix] 247149 Activate solution does not warn when the resource project is not found
[fix] 247399 The i18n editor does not create & retrieve correctly multi-line messages & the i18n methods do not support them as well
[fix] 247755 Dataprovider Editor Filter Box Infinite Loop
[fix] 247951 Newly created valuelist shows empty at first use from developer
[fix] 247175 Missing i18n strings. Recently added i18ns strings are not visible in beta 4 i18n form and no longer evaluate on forms.
[fix] 246374 Creating a new global method using the solutionModel "removes" global method from module
[fix] 247143 Servoy Team Provider: many conflicts in new solution
[fix] 236578 Usability: when creating a new form/global method in the choose method dialog op a property (button.onaction) you cant press twice the enter key
[fix] 246920 Letting Eclipse drop into the debugger perspective at an exception hangs Eclipse
[fix] 247138 Delete for multiple methods from solution explorer in a form doesn't work when script editor for that form is not open
[fix] 247140 Small code completion problems
[fix] 247144 When a form is renamed, the matching security file is not renamed
[fix] 247145 Tab sequence: moving from Available elements to Selected, the wrong items are moved (not the selected once)
[fix] 247146 Team->commit in form editor context menu does not work
[fix] 244100 Filter option in Valuelist
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 5.0 rc 2

Postby Jan Blok » Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:42 pm

When using the eclipse auto update you have to disable the eclipse update sites, to work arround a current problem in eclipse.
See screenshot select "what and where" to disable.
disable_eclipse_org_updatesites.jpg (81.58 KiB) Viewed 11547 times
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 5.0 rc 2

Postby Gary R. Schaecher » Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:24 pm

JavaScript editor in RC 2 has a problem with more than 1,500 line .js files. Performance of hover function over variables degrades as you move down a large .js file and stops working altogether at about 1,750-2,000 lines. Code completion does the same thing. It quits working as you move down a large .js file after about 1,750 lines also. 1 sec for for both near the top, 5 secs for both at about 1500 lines, and after about 2000 lines in the file both fail to work at all. This is a problem for us as we have two core files with over 5,500 lines. This was not an issue in previous releases.

Gary R. Schaecher
TMA Systems, LLC
Gary R. Schaecher
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Re: Servoy 5.0 rc 2

Postby ROCLASI » Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:43 pm

Hi Gary,

Did you file a case for this ?
Robert Ivens
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Re: Servoy 5.0 rc 2

Postby Gary R. Schaecher » Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:08 pm

A case was filed on the JavaScript editor problems in RC 2

Gary R. Schaecher
TMA Systems, LLC
Gary R. Schaecher
Posts: 72
Joined: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:01 pm

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