I'm having a function to bulk import images into the gallery file.
To ease the process when the user clicks the "Batch Import" button it opens up with the folder dialog.
I have a temporary table called "batch_import"
After the user chooses the folder the script loops all files in the chosen folder and creates records in the "bacth_import" table (one record for each file in the folder)
I store the chosen folder path in a global field called g_Selected_Folder
(eg: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures)
I store the filenames in the field called
img_file_name (eg: image1.jpg)
Now I want to display the images in the label with the calulation
- Code: Select all
<img src="file:///%%g_Selected_Folder%%/%%img_file_name%%">
The user will scroll through the records and choose the ones he wants to import (be default all records will be tagged)
After he clicks confirm the records will be created in gallery with the images stored in media field
Hope this makes sense
If this is complicated no need to worry because I have another way of displaying too