We will keep supporting signed plugins.
The only thing is that we need to look for plugins without there own plugin.jnlp if we need to generate <all permissions> in the jnlp or not (unsigned can't have that and signed need it...)
I created a tool where you can quickly validate your complete application server directory:
http://downloads.servoy.com/downloads/m ... tester.zipunzip that file and you will get a signtester.jar file
this file you can place in the application_server dir of a servoy install.
then you can run this jar with:
java -jar signtester.jar
that will then validate all the right dirs.
If you see reports of not signed jars then you have to create your own self signed key:
keytool -genkey -keystore mykeystore -alias MyPlugins -validity 10000
(keytool is a part of the java (jre) install of java 6 see the bin dir in the java install)
fill in all the needed data. That will make a file mykeystore in the dir you are in.
then you can run the tool once more:
java -jar signtester.jar mykeystore yourpassword MyPlugins
so the first argument must point the the keystore file you made with the keytool
the second argument must be the password you entered when creating the keystore.
the third argument "MyPlugins" must be the same as the -alias MyPlugins argument of the keystore (you can change this name if you want)