Clients not clearing from server

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Clients not clearing from server

Postby cjemichael » Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:16 pm

I am running Servoy Version R2 2.0 rc9-build 268 and Java version 1.4.2_03-b02 on a Win2K server with an MS SQL 2000 database. I have a 30 client licence.

Clients are Win XP running version 1.4.2_03-b02 and Mac Panther 10.3.3 running Java 1.4.2.

Generally the PC clients work much better and faster than the Mac clients.

On the Macs, users often try and relaunch Servoy because they are fed up waiting for it to load - hence they end up with it loaded twice - or maybe loaded once but with a crashed instance of Servoy also running on the Mac.

This appears to result in the same Mac being registered on Servoy more than once (often 3 or 4 times) and thus the server is running out of licences all the time. The only solution to this is then to restart the service, since killing these clients or even the solution does not have any effect.

Occasionally, I get duplicate clients on the server from PCs as well as Macs.

A few other weird things start to happen then, such as users getting cannot load/save data warnings. Although this may be a coincidence.

This has been an ongoing problem which I have noticed in versions RC3, RC6, RC8 and now RC9.

Please can you let me know asap if you can reproduce this or give me any pointers.

Many thanks
Server screen showing clients
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Postby Harjo » Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:28 pm

Yes, I had this issue too!

it is simply reproducable for the Servoy-guys

Open a client and, wait till it asks for which solution you want to load.
Now kill the client (on windows: in Task-list --> end task)

do this a few time more.
If you go tho admin-pages now you see 3 or 4 times the same client.
I you click: close all clients, it nicely says: that all clients has been succesfully closed. But this is not true! Try to refresh the page. The clients are still there!
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Postby sebster » Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:38 am

I will try to reproduce this issue and look at it immediately.
Sebastiaan van Erk
Posts: 251
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Postby cjemichael » Fri Mar 26, 2004 11:07 am

Yes, this is exactly what I mean.

However, in my case, the clients are launching a shortcut direct to the solution - so they are either timing out of the launch (due to slow loading, esp on a Mac) or quitting the launch process before the solution is fully loaded.

Please can we get a fix asap.

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Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 12:29 pm

Postby sebster » Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:09 pm

Thanks for the info, especially on how to reproduce the bug.

It is now fixed, the fix wil be available in the next release (RC10) which will be available today or in the beginning of next week...
Sebastiaan van Erk
Posts: 251
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Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

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