Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby Jan Blok » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:21 pm

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 6.0 a6

This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy 6.x eclipse open Check for updates via help menu.

For all the highlights read the wiki

Smartclient Changes
[enh] 333305 Make it possible to have separate radio buttons
[enh] 212161 element.getUUID() on all Objects through solutionModel
[fix] 359551 solutionModel.getForm(_form) gives null if the form is a instance
[fix] 365274 New styles for odd, even and selected are being applied to RECORD_VIEW forms
[fix] 364112 Rectanges do not have methods and properties

Webclient changes
[fix] 360696 The rolloverCursor property of buttons is not applied on the Webclient
[fix] 352256 getScreenheight & getScreenWidth not updated in landscape/portrait mode on mobile phones orientation switch
[fix] 364089 Column sort on webclient does not work
[fix] 357762 ontab change event event parameter is empty
[fix] 364621 Issue with tab panels on web client

Developer changes
[fix] 363097 Form Editor Preferences cross platform layout issues
[fix] 364011 Memory Leak in Servoy Developer
[fix] 364243 Incorrect warning when declaring [@return {Boolean}] and returning [return x > 5]
[fix] 355602 When selecting a Form template in the New Form dialog, a StyleName contained in the template is not applied
[fix] 357741 Fix the implementation of the new option to support (mutliple) filter fallbacks for i18n message filters
[fix] 355601 Filter the list of templates offered in the New Form dialog to only contain templates for forms
[fix] 355603 The Template to use in the New Form dialog is not remembered, so you need to select it every time you open the new Form dialog again
[fix] 363895 The datasource property cannot be set on forms which extend a base form with no datasource selected
[fix] 354365 Builder process also processes .js files that are contained in the media library
[fix] 364790 The JSUnit view is hidden in Show View dialog
[fix] 355605 New Form dialog; when selecting a form template, the name contained in the template is also applied, which doesn't really make sense
[fix] 366035 Inheritance problem with forms

Application server changes
[fix] 362070 Issue with Sybase ADS driver
[fix] 360874 Exceptions from maxdb return undescriptive messages

Plugin/beans changes
[fix] 364028 Wrong warning on createBinding method in dbtreeview
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby rossent » Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:24 pm

Hi Servoy guys,

Thanks for the update! The memory issue was causing us big trouble in the previous builds and we were anxious to get the new one.

A few things which should be looked at:

- on forms with considerable JavaScript code (either directly in the form or inherited by parent forms, selecting several UI elements, moving them around the form and changing properties in the Properties panel are painfully slow operations. We literally have to wait for 10-15seconds to move 2-3 labels or resize them. This applies regardless the input (mouse or keyboard)
- using the onRender event for TABLE_VIEW forms on the Web Client when the fields on the grid are presented with labels instead of TEXT_FIELD (or any other edit control) does not work correctly for the selected row. Even on the Smart Client, the font setting is not applied (it gets applied only when you click on a specific cell and then only the clicked cell is rendered with the specified font style and the rest of the row remains as is)
- TABLE_VIEW forms with the Horizontal Scrollbar set to "never" do not display the individual columns correctly in the Web Client - the width of the fields does not match the width of the columns (the easiest way to see that is if the fields have visible borders - then it become obvious how the fields within the columns are not sized correctly) Resizing the columns does not actually resize the field within the column. If the Horizontal Scrollbar is set to automatic or always, the column fields are rendered correctly and column resize works fine as well.
Rossen Totev
Argos Software
Posts: 288
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby Jan Blok » Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:31 pm

As always, its most easy for us to pickup on this is when you file cases (and you get notified about the status in return)
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6 - Web Client issue

Postby rossent » Fri Mar 25, 2011 2:08 pm

Hi all,

We are experiencing issues with the web client when using the latest build. Basically, forms shown dynamically on tab panels or split panels as subsequent forms (not the initial ones loaded when the hosting form is loaded) are not being displayed properly - they have a completely mangled layout, wrong styling and anchors - in other words completely useless. When the same forms are shown in Smart Client, everything works as expected

In the prior build there was an issue with the tab panels in web client which was preventing users from being able to switch the tabs so we could not verify if the current issue was applicable for the prior build as well.

Does anyone else experience similar issues?
Rossen Totev
Argos Software
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6 - Continuations

Postby rossent » Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:20 pm

Hi all,

We use Continuations on the Web Client to simulate blocking modal dialogs. This approach works great when actual form elements are used to invoke the method which eventually shows the modal dialog (for example, clicking a button or label, dataChange events, etc.)

However, when the dialog showing methods are invoked from a "link" rendered in an HTML_AREA using the method:

Code: Select all
<a href="javascript:showDialog();">The Link Text</a>

we are getting errors java.lang.NullPointerException when the continuation call is made.
In addition, using continuations in code which is executed using eval() does not work.

Are continuations supported by Servoy in the scenarios described above?
Rossen Totev
Argos Software
Posts: 288
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby jbader » Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:33 pm

We use Continuations on the Web Client to simulate blocking modal dialogs.

Would you be willing to post an example of this? I've actually been looking for a good sample. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby rossent » Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:02 pm

We will post soon a module on ServoyForge which will have a whole modal dialog service supporting both Smart & Web Client
Rossen Totev
Argos Software
Posts: 288
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby hsummerhays » Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:40 pm

Is there a way to filter the warnings in the Problems window to show only the current solution instead of the current solution and its modules? If you use a module written by someone else (e.g. ServoyCommons), then you end up with a lot of warnings that you may want to ignore.
Hugh Summerhays
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby hsummerhays » Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:03 pm

Another question...

Given the following error handler code fragment, what should be done to get rid of these warnings:

The method getScriptStackTrace() is undefined for the type ServoyException
The method getSQL() is undefined for the type Exception
The method getSQLState() is undefined for the type Exception
The method getVendorErrorCode() is undefined for the type Exception
The property fileName is undefined for the type ServoyException
The property fileName is undefined in ex2
The property lineNumber is undefined for the type ServoyException
The property lineNumber is undefined in ex2
The property message is undefined for the type ServoyException

Code: Select all
* Event method to capture errors (exceptions) within the solution.
* @param {ServoyException} ex Exception object from Servoy.
* @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"CE95FD05-44C1-4C01-AE8F-A0B632DCE218"}
function onError(ex)
    /** @type String */
    var errorMsg = "AN ERROR HAS OCCURED IN " + application.getSolutionName().toUpperCase() + "\n\n";
    /** @type String */
    var trace = "";
    /** @type Array<JSRecord> */
    var array;
    /** @type JSRecord */
    var record;

        errorMsg += "Exception Object: " + ex + "\nMSG: " + ex.message;    // <----WARNING HERE!
    catch (ex2)
        //application.output(ex2.javaException.getCause().getMessage());   // Should show message, but doesn't work here for some reason.
        application.output(ex2 + "\n\tat " + ex2.fileName + ':' + ex2.lineNumber);    // <----WARNINGS HERE!
        return true;

    //application.output(ex.rhinoException.getScriptStackTrace());   // Shows function name that caused the error - doesn't work here for some reason.
    application.output("\tat " + ex.fileName + ':' + ex.lineNumber); // Provides hyperlink to error.    <----WARNING HERE!

    if (ex instanceof ServoyException) // Can also use ex.isServoyException
        errorMsg += "is a ServoyException, Errorcode:" + ex.getErrorCode();
        trace = ex.getScriptStackTrace();    // <----WARNING HERE!
        if (!trace)
            trace = ex.getStackTrace();

        application.output("Exception stacktrace: " + trace);

        if (ex.getErrorCode() === ServoyException.SAVE_FAILED)
            // TODO: Make this web compatible by using dialog in ServoyCommons.
            plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("Error", "It seems you did not fill in a required field", 'OK');
            //Get the failed records after a save
            array = databaseManager.getFailedRecords();
            for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
                record = array[i];
                errorMsg += "Record Exception: " + record.exception + "/n";
                if (record.exception instanceof DataException)
                    errorMsg += "SQL: " + record.exception.getSQL() + "/n";    // <----WARNING HERE!
                    errorMsg += "SQLState: " + record.exception.getSQLState() + "/n";    // <----WARNING HERE!
                    errorMsg += "VendorErrorCode: " + record.exception.getVendorErrorCode() + "/n";    // <----WARNING HERE!

            // TODO: Make sure things are logged and handled correctly (i.e. be careful when returning false).
            return false;
Hugh Summerhays
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby hsummerhays » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:02 pm

Yet another question (sorry)...

When doing...

Code: Select all
getElement("myElement").enabled = true;

...what should be done differently to get rid of the following error:

    Cannot make a static reference to the non-static property enabled from the type null

Here is a simplified version of the function...

Code: Select all
* @return {BaseComponent} The element you wanted.
* @properties={typeid:24,uuid:"B7CD5982-986A-4ABB-A41A-1628FC0CEAD9"}
function getElement(elementName)
    if (elements[elementName])
        return elements[elementName];
    return undefined;
Hugh Summerhays
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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6 - onRender event Question

Postby jasantana » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:20 pm

Hi, could you please some sample about onRender event?

When used in a TableView form how to know if it´s the selected item, how to change the style for that record, etc.

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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby pbakker » Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:54 pm

Is there a way to filter the warnings in the Problems window to show only the current solution instead of the current solution and its modules? If you use a module written by someone else (e.g. ServoyCommons), then you end up with a lot of warnings that you may want to ignore.

Yes, you can configure the contents of the Problems view by clicking the downwards triangle in the upper right corner of the Problems view and then select Configure Contents.

By unchecking the Servoy Active Solution filter and checking the Errors/Warnings on Project the Problems view will filter on the the last clicked solution/module that you last clicked in the solution explorer.

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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby pbakker » Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:56 pm

We use Continuations on the Web Client to simulate blocking modal dialogs.....

Is this a Servoy 6 alpha 6 related issue? If not: please keep threads on topic. And in any case: if you think it's an issue, file a case.

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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby pbakker » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:20 pm

Another question...

Given the following error handler code fragment, what should be done to get rid of these warnings:

We will update the code template. In order to get rid of those warnings, you need to typecast the "ex" argument:
Code: Select all
/**@type {ServoyException}*/
var servoyEx = ex;

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Re: Servoy 6.0 alpha 6

Postby pbakker » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:23 pm

..what should be done differently to get rid of the following error:

Cannot make a static reference to the non-static property enabled from the type null

I do not see the link between the question and the simplified samplecode. The simplified samplecode raises no warnings for me.

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