We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Servoy 6.0 a6
This version is available through the download option on the Servoy website and auto update.
Always make a backup of your current Servoy installation (directory and database) before installing/upgrading.
To update a Servoy 6.x eclipse open Check for updates via help menu.
For all the highlights read the wiki
Smartclient Changes
[enh] 333305 Make it possible to have separate radio buttons
[enh] 212161 element.getUUID() on all Objects through solutionModel
[fix] 359551 solutionModel.getForm(_form) gives null if the form is a instance
[fix] 365274 New styles for odd, even and selected are being applied to RECORD_VIEW forms
[fix] 364112 Rectanges do not have methods and properties
Webclient changes
[fix] 360696 The rolloverCursor property of buttons is not applied on the Webclient
[fix] 352256 getScreenheight & getScreenWidth not updated in landscape/portrait mode on mobile phones orientation switch
[fix] 364089 Column sort on webclient does not work
[fix] 357762 ontab change event event parameter is empty
[fix] 364621 Issue with tab panels on web client
Developer changes
[fix] 363097 Form Editor Preferences cross platform layout issues
[fix] 364011 Memory Leak in Servoy Developer
[fix] 364243 Incorrect warning when declaring [@return {Boolean}] and returning [return x > 5]
[fix] 355602 When selecting a Form template in the New Form dialog, a StyleName contained in the template is not applied
[fix] 357741 Fix the implementation of the new option to support (mutliple) filter fallbacks for i18n message filters
[fix] 355601 Filter the list of templates offered in the New Form dialog to only contain templates for forms
[fix] 355603 The Template to use in the New Form dialog is not remembered, so you need to select it every time you open the new Form dialog again
[fix] 363895 The datasource property cannot be set on forms which extend a base form with no datasource selected
[fix] 354365 Builder process also processes .js files that are contained in the media library
[fix] 364790 The JSUnit view is hidden in Show View dialog
[fix] 355605 New Form dialog; when selecting a form template, the name contained in the template is also applied, which doesn't really make sense
[fix] 366035 Inheritance problem with forms
Application server changes
[fix] 362070 Issue with Sybase ADS driver
[fix] 360874 Exceptions from maxdb return undescriptive messages
Plugin/beans changes
[fix] 364028 Wrong warning on createBinding method in dbtreeview