Moving from 2.0 beta to 2.0 prime time

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Postby Anne Verrinder » Fri May 07, 2004 12:08 am

jcompagner wrote:where are we saying that example data does have something to do with repository data??
Example data is just data from youre Data server that you can transfer with solution data file.
It gets imported into youre data server when the table is new or doesn't contain any data yet.
This is very usefull if you are developing a new solution wherey you have some database valuelist for example (the values of youre valuelist are comming out of youre data server tables)

Waahhhh. Maybe you aren't saying that, Johan; I am both new at this and apparently incredibly thick.

I was in the act of attempting to import a *solution* into a repository, and being given the option of including "sample data". Beats me why that option is there or why Servoy is asking me about data when I'm trying to work on a repository!!

In my mind, what I was doing had nothing to do with my data. I know that my solution refers to data tables, and I now understand (Thank you, David) that I could have checked off that box and Servoy would have ignored that I had checked it (since the data tables my solution refers to aren't empty). Maybe this would be less confusing to stupid people if Servoy didn't offer this option until a later dialog, after it's looked to see if the solution refers to empty or full tables, and not offer it in situations in which it's not going to apply and going to be ignored anyway.

[putting dunce cap on and going back to the dunce stool in the corner of the room.]

Anne Verrinder
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Postby Anne Verrinder » Fri May 07, 2004 12:49 am

[quote="david"]OK, I just read through the entire post to see what the issues are. It seems to me that you have the right idea for the most part but the errors are occurring when you switch your data source from one database platform to another (mssql <--> sybase).

Hi again, David.

Actually, switching the data source from Sybase to MSSQL went without a hitch, a month ago. Repository was still in Sybase, and I would have been happy to stay that way. We had created, in MSSQL, an exact mirror of my Sybase data tables (long story, don't ask -- this project is years old and Servoy is only recently being introduced to it). So switching backends just meant repointing the *data* connection in dbservers, using the same name for the dbserver.

Computer #1 was/is hosting the MSSQL data/database; no problem there. Repository was still Sybase, and no problem there.

Then I wanted to allow a cohort to also work on the solution, and figured I would export the solution, and import it into the repository on the other computer, changing the URL for the data to my IP number. We don't need to work simultaneously.

When I attempted to import into the repository on Computer #2, I got "reserved words" errors, and was told that the Sybase repository didn't like the column and/or table names that the solution referred to (in the MSSQL data tables).

So, my workaround, which we are using as I speak, was to copy my whole bloody Servoy folder onto Computer #2, switch the URL in for the data source to refer to my IP number instead of "localhost", and let my helper go-forr-it. That works; I'm happy.

[Except that even with the .bat file modified to get more memory, it slows to a crawl on her computer after a while ... but that's another thread; a reboot gets her back.]

Then I realized that it'll take an export/import to get myself off the beta and up to the released 2.0. To enable an import, I was advised to convert my *repository* to also be MSSQL.

That brings us up to my first post of today, which can really be summarized into two issues:

1. My original as-yet unanswered question: how does Servoy know which dbserver is the repository. Somehow it knows, because it automatically tries to "use" this dbserver when it launches (or forces you to create one on a new install). I am currently assuming that if one wants to switch the backend for an existing repository, one's only option is to use the identical name as one's original repository dbserver had. If I'm not right on that, then I might have a much bigger problem than "reserved words"; and until someone takes mercy on me and answers that question, we all may be blowing smoke at each other.

2. I have already created an empty MSSQL database that I'm hoping Servoy is seeing as the new repository (see No. 1). I have exported my solution (which refers to MSSQL tables) from the now-defunct old Sybase repository, and would like to import it into the new MSSQL wannabe-repository. I'm still getting reserved words errors, MSSQL to MSSQL.

So Johan says to use the checkbox for ignoring reserved words. I'm left with the impression that Servoy will issue that complaint regardless of circumstances, and that it's a checkbox that should always be checked. No problem with that.

I'll install the 2.0 final release on the other computer (or here, according to Johan), so I can check off that "ignore" checkbox.

And then I'll have my fingers crossed that what I think is a new MSSQL repository actually is.

And if you aren't asleep yet ... :shock: ... thanks!

Anne Verrinder
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Postby mnorman » Fri May 07, 2004 6:19 am


3) "Stay away from reserved words" ... great advice, but about as useful as "stay away from muggers" ... since muggers don't have "mugger" tatooed on their foreheads. [where's the "wiseass" emoticon? I'm sure there are lists of reserved words to be had ...]

Just to let you know, in the online help (F1) of the release version of Servoy 2.0 Developer, we have added an Appendix that contains a section called "Servoy reserved words". This complete listing of words includes terms reserved by Servoy as well as the most common SQL reserved words.

The appendix is also included in the Servoy Developer Edition Volume 2: Reference Guide.

This book is available as a downloadable pdf file from the Servoy developers/documentation page or can be purchased in printed book form from the Servoy Store.

Marc Norman
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Thanks, Marc

Postby Anne Verrinder » Fri May 07, 2004 4:30 pm

Downloading that manual.

Would it be possible/practical for versions of documentation to be on the web site, so that when there's a rev, it's clear (or do you announce?). I notice the download has a very specific rev on it.

Thanks for all your work, and to everyone who helped on this thread.

Anne Verrinder
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Postby david » Fri May 07, 2004 5:01 pm

Actually, switching the data source from Sybase to MSSQL went without a hitch, a month ago. Repository was still in Sybase, and I would have been happy to stay that way. We had created, in MSSQL, an exact mirror of my Sybase data tables (long story, don't ask -- this project is years old and Servoy is only recently being introduced to it). So switching backends just meant repointing the *data* connection in dbservers, using the same name for the dbserver.

Could be an export/import bug with the RC versions that were coming out in the past two months with rapid regularity. Could also be a simple user error. I have worked with all kinds of setups in the past and have turned myself royally inside out on a number of ocassions with all the options Servoy gives the developer. Sounds like you got it worked out.

1. My original as-yet unanswered question: how does Servoy know which dbserver is the repository. Somehow it knows, because it automatically tries to "use" this dbserver when it launches (or forces you to create one on a new install)

Yea, the named connection "repository_server" in the database connections tab in preferences is how Servoy knows. Delete this connection and Servoy doesn't run.

2. I have already created an empty MSSQL database that I'm hoping Servoy is seeing as the new repository (see No. 1). I have exported my solution (which refers to MSSQL tables) from the now-defunct old Sybase repository, and would like to import it into the new MSSQL wannabe-repository. I'm still getting reserved words errors, MSSQL to MSSQL.

Have you checked out Clint Robert's article on using MS SQL 2000 as the repository? Link


- David
Last edited by david on Fri May 07, 2004 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby mnorman » Fri May 07, 2004 5:54 pm

Downloading that manual.

Would it be possible/practical for versions of documentation to be on the
web site, so that when there's a rev, it's clear (or do you announce?).
I notice the download has a very specific rev on it.

Thanks for all your work, and to everyone who helped on this thread.


Online help, documentation that can be downloaded from the Servoy
Developer/Documentation web page link, and the printed books are
updated when there is a whole number or "dot" number Servoy release.

For example, the documentation updates were made available for
the final release of Servoy 1.1 and Servoy 2.0, but will not be changed for
online Help (F1), on the web site or in print for Servoy 2.01.

As of Servoy 2.0, the printed and pdf versions of Servoy Developer
Edition User's Guide has been expanded and separated into two volumes:

Servoy Developer Edition Volume 1: User's Guide
Servoy Developer Edition Volume 2: Reference Guide

To read a brief description for each of the printed books, go to the
Servoy web Store, scroll to the book you are interested in and click on
the "Info" button.

Marc Norman
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Error importing repostory, Sybase to MSSQL

Postby Anne Verrinder » Sun May 09, 2004 3:01 am

Hi all,
I've listened to Johan and installed 2.0 in a new directory, connected to my pre-existing MSSQL data tables, and connected "repository_server" to my new empty MSSQL database meant to be the new repository. I had already exported my solution (from a Sybase repository).

When I attempt to import, *with* the "ignore reserved words" checkbox checked, I get a "cannot import" error and the "details" says:
com.servoy.j2db.persistence.RepositoryException: com.servoy.j2db.persistence.RepositoryException: com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybSQLException: ASA Error -131: Syntax error near 'date' on line 1
... followed by the standard warning about reserved words.

Last time this happened, Johan said it was not a syntax error (java message notwithstanding), but a reserved word problem with column/table names ("ignore" checkbox notwithstanding)

I also downloaded Marc's new book with the list of reserved words at the end. I notice that "date" is indeed a reserved word. Does this mean that "date" as a string cannot be part of a column name ... such that, for example, "order_date" is an illegal column name? (to Servoy, if not to MSSQL).

And just so I understand the scope of reserved word issues, "on" is listed a "Servoy reserved word". If the SQL programmer had created relationships with names like "tblconnection_on_clientid" -- are we in trouble?? Or, would "on" be rejected as one of many words in a string used as the message in a message box?

Thanks for any help ...
Anne Verrinder
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Postby mnorman » Sun May 09, 2004 7:24 am


In the Troubleshooting section of the Appendix in the Servoy Developer
Edition Volume 1: User's Guide; and also available in the same section in
Servoy Developer online help (F1):

Troubleshooting: reserved words
Using JavaScript and/or Servoy reserved words in designing a solution
may result in unexpected or negative behavior in using the solution or
Servoy. For a complete listing of JavaScript and Servoy keywords, see
the sections on JavaScript reserved words and Servoy reserved words in
the Appendix of the Servoy Developer Edition Reference Guide.

TIP: While you cannot use reserved words as a complete identity (a
single name of an object), you can concatenate (combine) two (2) or
more reserved words to make a non-reserved name that can be used in
your solution.

Reserved words: is, column

isColumn or is_column

Marc Norman
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Postby Anne Verrinder » Sun May 09, 2004 3:04 pm

Thanks, Marc. I had missed that the Dev Guide Vol 1 on the site was not the same as the one I downloaded a while back.

I take it that a reserved word as a "complete identity' used in the string presented to the user in a message box is still a problem, although I don't think that would be stopping the import, since ...

Johan had said to me earlier in this thread, when he thought I was trying to import solution into a Sybase database (I'm not, I'm trying to switch repository *from* Sybase, *to* MSSQL):
"first you say that youre db server == ms sql server and then you say that sybase is complaining about a problem that came from sybase..
But this is not the case. You have on youre db server that is build on MS SQL a table with a column that can't be imported into a sybase server.
it is not a method on line1 or something it is the a sql query that is going wrong that is send to the database because sybase can't handle a column name you have with ms sql db."

I take that as Johan interpreting the -131 error as an objection to a column name (vs. any other name or string).

We have 126 tables; I can start comparing that list of reserved words to the column names in our tables; it just seemed out of whack to me that a database could have been created in MSSQL (and used with an Access front end for two years) with column names that MSSQL would not allow.
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Postby jcompagner » Sun May 09, 2004 7:45 pm

columns that come from MSSQL should be able to be generated back into MSSQL. But you need to check "Allow reversed keywords" in the import dialog.

I thought you also had MSSQL->Sybase and that sybase did complain.
And then you need to check which column it is.
Johan Compagner
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Postby Anne Verrinder » Sun May 09, 2004 11:44 pm

Hi Johan,

You're not wrong; originally when I started this thread on May 3, I was trying to move my repository from one computer to another, Sybase to Sybase, while upgrading from 2.0 RC 10 to 2.0. I got "reserved words" errors, and then when I checked the "ignore" checkbox, I got -131 errors.

As of my post on May 6, I had changed to trying for an MSSQL repository, based on the idea that the problem was column names.

I *do* have the "ignore reserved words" checkbox checked, and still get the -131 error.

For a while, I was concerned that I had not properly reconnected the repository (deleted the old Sybase connection, replaced with connection to new MSSQL database with same connection name), since I didn't know if the *name* was what would identify the repository to Servoy. David confirmed for me a couple of days ago that using the same name was the way to do it. So now I believe I have an MSSQL database ready as the new (empty now) repository.

That's why I was thinking it might be something other than a column name ...

In addition to staying with Sybase for my repository, I think I now have to also go back to using the Beta, because back on May 3, after exporting repository from 2.0 RC10, I could not import into new install of 2.0, Sybase to Sybase, even with "ignore reserved words" checked. I got the same errors I am getting with MSSQL to MSSQL.

Thanks for all your help.

Anne Verrinder
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