Workspaces & Repository

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Workspaces & Repository

Postby vincentc » Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:46 am


We have developed an CRM application based on Sample CRM.

Until now, we use this application to us internally.

We will soon equip a new client with an application based on this but with specific functionality for their needs (new tables, new fields ...).
In the end, there will be two different applications: ours as we continue to use, and the client.
I am the only developer assigned to this project and I want to be sure not to make any mistakes on my way to work on Servoy Developer.

Here's what I did to prepare the development environment specific to our client:
- I created a new database based on the structure of our existing base
- I created a new workspace on which I imported the existing solution
- In this new workspace, I changed all references from the old to the new database (datasources and relationships)

Now everything works perfectly, I know that a change in the client workspace has no effect on our internal solution.

But I have one question: do I create a database repository for each solution? or do I have a single repository for all solutions?

Precision: the solution the customer will not be deployed on the same server as ours.

I hope I was clear! Thank very much in advance and excuse me for my poor english.

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Re: Workspaces & Repository

Postby Thomas Parry » Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:04 pm

You might want to look into source code control using Subversion or similar. Having the source code control will allow the code to diverge should your client have the need for different functionality to the internal solution.
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Re: Workspaces & Repository

Postby vincentc » Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:01 pm

Thank you for your answer and your tip.
Unfortunately, I have already created a new db and a new workspace (as mentionned in my first post), and I have already started to develop new functionnalities on the new solution.
Is this way of working is correct? A single repository is it enough?
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Re: Workspaces & Repository

Postby david » Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:09 pm

The short answer to this is that you will need to change the name of one of the projects if you want to use the same repository for both.

An easier setup in your case would have been to use two separate Servoy installs that are setup the same way. Export from original Servoy and import into the new Servoy. Then you could have kept all your names the same.

However, there are a lot more considerations when developing on more than one nearly identical projects. For example, what if you want to share code with both projects? What if another developer starts working on one of the projects? As Tom intimated, there are other solutions for managing your development setup.

Troy and I recently put a video discussing all this:
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Re: Workspaces & Repository

Postby vincentc » Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:29 am

Thank you very much for your answer.
So, if I rename my main solution, I can work without conflict risks on one single repository ?
The next time, I will install a new Servoy Developer, as you said, it will be easier.
Thank you again.
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