Servoy 6.1 beta 1 release

Release notes for Servoy betas

Re: Servoy 6.1 beta 1 release

Postby gldni » Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:23 pm

monetteboy1331938915 wrote:Hi,

I setup a new install to test out the 6.1 beta on our dev server. I just used the servoy team provider but on my developer workstation I don't have the option to check-out from the server. The only options I have are Create a new solution or Import.

I can checkout the solution from developer on the server.

Is there something new I need to do now to get that option?


Anybody else experiencing this?
Nicholas Dunn
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Re: Servoy 6.1 beta 1 release

Postby Gabi Boros » Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:47 am

to checkout from the server goto : File -> New -> Project -> Servoy -> Project from Servoy repository
Gabi Boros
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Re: Servoy 6.1 beta 1 release

Postby gldni » Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:50 pm

I noticed today that my dialog boxes aren't working in the beta like they did in 6.06. I get this error: Can't find method com.servoy.extensions.plugins.dialog.DialogProvider.js_showErrorDialog(string,org.mozilla.javascript.CharSequenceBuffer,string,string).

My current code for an error dialog is this:
Code: Select all
pressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog("No Results","Your search for " + searchField + " found 0 results. Would you like to search again?","OK","Cancel");

I tried adding a new dialog, and the sample code/help reads as follows:
Code: Select all
Plugin<dialogs>.showErrorDialog(dialogTitle:String, dialogMessage:String, buttonsText:Object): String
Shows a message dialog with the specified title, message and a customizable set of buttons.

//show dialog
var thePressedButton = plugins.dialogs.showErrorDialog('Title', 'Value not allowed','OK');

@param {String} dialogTitle Dialog title.
@param {String} dialogMessage Dialog message.
@param {Object} buttonsText Array of button texts.

@return String

Am I going to have to find all of my dialogs and doc the title, message and buttons for each one?
Nicholas Dunn
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Re: Servoy 6.1 beta 1 release

Postby jcompagner » Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:20 am

gldni wrote:I noticed today that my dialog boxes aren't working in the beta like they did in 6.06. I get this error: Can't find method com.servoy.extensions.plugins.dialog.DialogProvider.js_showErrorDialog(string,org.mozilla.javascript.CharSequenceBuffer,string,string).

thats a bug, something is not converted correctly first before trying to get the method to call.
Can you create a case with this information?
Johan Compagner
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Re: Servoy 6.1 beta 1 release

Postby gldni » Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:03 pm

Case is created. Case number: SVY-1968
Nicholas Dunn
E-Automation Systems, LLC
Servoy 6.1 final
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