No response from RESTful WebService

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No response from RESTful WebService

Postby GabrielWyss » Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:28 pm

I defined a RESTful WebService. In the ws_create method I process the received XML an create new records in different foundsets.
In the calling application, I test with readyState() until the processing is finish.
With smaller XML files, will mean not so much records to create all works fine. If the XML is bigger, all records will be created, but the calling application never receive the the state 4. There is allways the state 1.

Have any one a idea, why do I get this behavior?

Thanks for any help.
Gabriel Wyss
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Re: No response from RESTful WebService

Postby rgansevles » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:39 am


What happens if you use your client code with another (non-Servoy) REST service?
One that returns a lot of data.

Rob Gansevles
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Re: No response from RESTful WebService

Postby GabrielWyss » Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:31 am

Hello Rob

The client is a FoxPro client which use the Servoy REST client. I don't have any other REST service to test this.
But I find out that it is important to set the timeout (function setTimeouts) as the first step after initiate the Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP object.
At the moment, all works fine and I hope, it will stay that way.
Gabriel Wyss
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