We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 2.2rc1
NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.
This version is available through auto update (if you have beta update notify enabled, meaning having the line 'wantsBetaCodeNotifies=true' in your servoy.properties file)
Previous beta build info
[enh]-calculation engine optimize, so calcs are less called.
[enh]-elements.tabpanel.addTabPanel(...) and removeTabAt(...) for relationless tabpanels
[enh]-better support for bit/boolean/inet types on postgress database
[enh]-allow modules in modules
[enh]-labels will draw a dotted black border if it gets focus (if it doesn't have a border)
[enh]-JavaScript method/styles printing
[enh]-option in check for new version dialog to receive beta notifies
[fix]-script method validate bug http://forum.servoy.com/viewtopic.php?p=17813#17813
[fix]-calendar field edits in table view not noted/stored in db
[fix]-disappearing formpanels when you open lots of forms inside one main panel
[fix]-workarround for oracles driver bug - dates usage (so the time portion is not lost) http://forum.servoy.com/viewtopic.php?t=3729
[fix]-with Java 1.5 the enter key didn't trigger an action in a textfield when no change http://forum.servoy.com/viewtopic.php?t=3797
[fix]-reference errors when displaying a tabpanel without a relation because records aren't loaded yet http://forum.servoy.com/viewtopic.php?t=3725
[fix]-export csv, new lines where not trimmed and values are now escaped.
For plugin developers:
[enh]-jsdataset passed to a plugin method become IDataSet instances
[enh]-IServerAccess.flushAllClientsCache(...) for use in server plugins
[fix]-unload not called on server plugins http://forum.servoy.com/viewtopic.php?p=17815#17815