replacing elements & printpreview

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replacing elements & printpreview

Postby Harjo » Mon Oct 24, 2005 8:22 am

We all know, that if you replace elements, by a method, and than do a printpreview, the elements are set back in there default position.
Is this somewhere on the feature list to be fixed? and when?
Harjo Kompagnie
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Postby Westy » Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:15 pm

Yes, I second that one.
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Postby jimc » Tue Oct 25, 2005 1:33 am

I think there was a thread on this about 1.5 yrs ago (i couldn't find it with a quick look) and jaleman said something like: this would entail writing changes back to the repository and that making this work would be rather daunting.

At the time i was dreaming of one layout for documents and programmatically drawing the lines, setting the labels, etc. but the dream was dashed when it came time to print.

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Postby Rene » Sat Oct 29, 2005 12:17 pm

Hello guys,

If I recall it it correct it was once planned for version 2.5.

But when I asked it on Servoy world if it is going to make it in 3.0, Bob Cusick said version 4.0 (a bit too quick :? ).

I too want to migrate some filemaker solutions to Servoy but when there is nothing (in functionality) to gain I`m using my efforts for other projects.

Printing from servoy is to me still a bit behind compared to other Servoy features (out of the top of my head) eg.

- Not Wysiwyg (moved elements).
- No custom pageformats support (Oversized formats, Photo formats). Edited: This is possible see below.
- Print/sliding, elements not supported through portallines tabpanels (listview).
- Grid lines in listviews/portals disappear often or are very thick.
- No rotating of fields posible (only elements) and only by 90 steps
- Alignment of data in fields is not printed as set (horizontal/vertical)
- Beans are not printed (eg chartbean)

When I missed something please feel free to add or correct me.

For a lot of solutions the main functionality is to print. A database behind it making it possible to store the data is of minor importance.

To me, a combination of data storage with excelent output possibilities is a winner in all scenarios.

Last edited by Rene on Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: replacing elements & printpreview

Postby Jan Blok » Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:53 pm

HJK wrote:We all know, that if you replace elements, by a method, and than do a printpreview, the elements are set back in there default position.
Is this somewhere on the feature list to be fixed? and when?

Will be working as asked in Servoy 3.0 (can be seen in next alfa11 release)
Jan Blok
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Postby Rene » Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:32 pm

Great!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Cant wait to try it.

I have to correct me on the second point I made.
- No custom pageformats support (Oversized formats, Photo formats).

This is possible when you set "Use system page dialog" on.
This is located on the Edit\Preference\Designer tab.

You can now get all the printer supported pageformats. Also custom formats when your printerdriver supports it.

Tip: when you select Adobe PDF (when Acrobat Adobe Full version is installed) you can also set any custom pageformats without having the requested printerdriver installed.

Great feature.

Small request can this function be set to on by default when Servoy is installed?

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