different event behavior

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different event behavior

Postby ROCLASI » Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:31 am

I have the following issue.
I try to emulate the OSX rounded search field. What I try to do is to use a hidden (non editable) popup to show when an image is clicked. And ofcourse to be hidden again when a choice is made in the popup or when the focus is lost.

Should be easy you would think with the onDataChanged, onFocusGained and onFocusLost event. Well...it's not.
Though the object is a field, the displaytype *really* has a big impact how the events trigger (or not trigger).

I attached an example solution that shows the different event behavior of a field, combobox and a popupmenu.

My question is: can this behavior be unified.
if not, any other ideas how I can use a popup menu without the popup control showing.
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Postby Jan Blok » Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:49 am

Differences are corrected in Servoy 1.2 final
Jan Blok
Jan Blok
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