Servoy 2021.09 release candidate 3

Release notes for Servoy betas

Servoy 2021.09 release candidate 3

Postby jcompagner » Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:34 pm

We are pleased to announce the availability of Servoy 2021.09 release candidate 3 (release number 3702)

See for extra fixes in RC3.

For Windows the installer: exe
and for the MacOSX we have an native dmg
for linux it is tar.gz

For windows we also still have just the zip

An installation (coming from the normal installer or from a platform specific archive) is shipping with with a Java VM (Java 16.0.2)

So for the platform specific archives you don't need to install or java have on your system.

The developer can be updated by the ... ecandidate update site url.
This is in our "latest" release stream (03,06,09,12) if you want to stick the the lts release then disable that releasecandidate url and stick to the urls with "lts" in the name
If you update to this release you have to do a new install of 2021.03.1_lts to go back to an the LTS release branch

See whats new for the global changes

All component packages have had there update also.
Johan Compagner
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Re: Servoy 2021.09 release candidate 3

Postby mw » Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:15 am

In Servoy 2021.09 are among others the following packages included:
- NG-Desktop File plug-in, version 3.0.3
- NG-Desktop UI plug-in, version 2.0.1
- NG-Desktop Utils plug-in, version, 2.0.1

Are these plugin-versions also compatible with Servoy 2021.3.1.3643_LTS?
Monika Waser
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Re: Servoy 2021.09 release candidate 3

Postby jcompagner » Tue Nov 23, 2021 11:00 am

not fully.
This is a bit of a problem with NGDesktop because there we have 3 moving targets (versions)

1> Servoy version itself
2> NGDesktop (electron and installed npm modules) version
3> plugin versions.

the NGDesktop plugins mostly are depending on the NGDesktop version, but sometimes also on Servoy when it comes to the api they use..

What will work is if you are just keeping the LTS release as your main target, but when deploying you use .09 or later .12 just exporting and generating the NGDEsktop installer/executable with the right urls.
This way you can keep developing (and deploying the solution WAR with 03.x LTS) but the runtime ngdesktop you use the latest code.
This is very likely just fine for the ngdesktop plugins which almost never really need a newer version of servoy (but sometimes it could like if we change how something is down or uploaded)
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Re: Servoy 2021.09 release candidate 3

Postby mw » Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:40 am

That's ok, thank you.

Further question:
Can this NGDesktop EXE only be created with the built-in install builder or also with another builder?
Monika Waser
om computer support ag, Switzerland
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Re: Servoy 2021.09 release candidate 3

Postby jcompagner » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:21 pm

no only by our servoy-cloud which the developer has a front end for (the export ngdesktop wizard)
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