We announce the immediate availability of Servoy 3.1 Beta 1 (Multi Developer Release)
NOTE: this is PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE, use with caution and make BACKUPS before you start.
This version is available at the download page on Servoy website (developer section)
[fix]-for onAction and tooltip on mediafield
[fix]-user pageformat is stored in the servoy.properties
[fix]-several bug fixes in the pagedialog
[chg]-default L&F set to system default in stead of hardcoded kunststoff L&F
[enh]-webclient supports now loginform
[enh]-application.closeSolution(...) accepts solutionname and method+params (to start another solution after close)
[enh]-optimized socket handling in 2way socket package (faster accept)
[enh]-rawSQL plugin now uses the same transaction as the current client
[enh]-adminpage will show clients sorted by last usage
[enh]-adminpage will show rawSQL statements in performance data
[enh]-in adminpage added 'update all servoy sequences on all servers' button
[enh]-multi developer:
For multi-dev you have to start an Servoy Server (called multi-dev-server), in the admin-page network settings, you have to fill in the external ip or dns name in the property called"servoy.multideveloper.address", this will enable the multi developer part. (after server restart)
When connecting with a developer on the repository database managed by that multi-dev-server you have to log in (user has to be admin-user on the multi-dev-server), if you now try to touch a repository object like a form you will be informed if someone else is working on that object.
Note: In this beta you have to disable SSL en 2Way sockets in all the Developers connecting and multi-dev-server itself.