Hi at all,
I don't know if this post is the right place but I have a problem and I don't know if it has already been fixed (no track in previus post) with some of this Release Candidate.
Problem 1:
So,I have a form called 'main' with 3 tab_panel(tabs_left,tabs_up,tabs_middle). For each tab_panel I have built a SolutionModel form.(form_left,form_up,form_middle)
If I put the form middle in design mode and try to get the x position(in the dropEvent by JSEVENT.getX() ) of a button element than the value returned is wrong.In add if the button is in the position_x 0 and I try to move it up and down the position_x change(instead the only position_y)!
In attach a solution sample
Problem 2:
If I create a button by solutionModel and I assign it a number as NAME it's correctly created but if I try to point to it by a function like:
- Code: Select all
//istance of global variable
globals.nameOfObject[1] = '1'
globals.nameOfObject[2] = '2'
globals.nameOfObject[3] = '3'
//build a form
//press a button and run this function
for(var i=1;i<=3;i++){
At the third evaluation(i=3) the program go in error,and JSEVENT provides wrong informations.I'm sure that:
- the names in global_struct and the form-element-names are the same.
- the form is correctly initialized with three buttons named ['1','2','3']
Thanks in advance
(servoy 5.0.1 built 861,windows XP,java build 1.6.0_17-b04)